
I believe it was called, “the shitification” of the internet? Lemme check,

Things like this can be very traumatic. I had a professor fail me for a major paper because I accidentally submitted a rough draft via email. I sent the correct one minutes later once I realized my mistake and he didn’t accept it, saying that I pushed it out past the deadline - despite the fact that the rough draft

To me it reads like someone lets their friend/partner drive their car when they’re out of town, they rack up tickets and never mention it, probably intercepting mail to prevent citations coming to their attention. The one time they were actually about to be caught, they sped off.

She is a woman who accused a man of domestic violence. That’s about all you need to know, right?

I think “Can You Pet the Dog” is meant to be silly, it’s precisely, ‘if you put this thing in the game, can I acknowledge its existence?’ I’ve never seen any ‘they HAVE to let you pet the dog’ from that account. They also highlight other animals.

okay, few things

I hadn’t even thought about the surrogacy angle. The way that Williams played in her later years, I always assumed she thought her body would remain the same? At the same prowess if not moreso, and when she started to struggle (again, she’s an amazing athlete so struggle for her was just not winning championships) she

My reactions reading the headline were, “Yay, Bridget’s back, wow Bridget is trans? GOOD FOR HER”

I cannot fathom the trauma of disdaining a preganancy, let alone birthing said fetus stillborn, let alone trying to figure out how to hide the body, LET ALONE attempting to burn it?, LET ALONE burying it on someone else’s property, LET ALONE lying about it the entire time. This family needs care, not punishment, care

why couldn’t this have been an article, it was 1000 words or less, if that!

I... love Kimberly.

you’re purposely being pedantic, I know, but thaaaaaaaaaaaaat’s politics!

Why is this celebrity athlete being held in a country in which the US has a historically high tension with to the point of war several times over the past fifty years being talked about?!

It’s auteur theory, she’s the face of the work. I mean, not to get all ‘whataboutism’ but this isn’t nearly lobbied at men as much. Nobody rushes to credit the hundreds of people responsible for making a movie work, they credit the director. These men get called geniuses all the time for their singular vision... which

and that’s... fine? I don’t think she goes around bragging about her writing solo as much as she used to. I honestly think that’s part of why she stopped talking to the media as much, she realized that she couldn’t get away with much anymore. 

According to the reaction I’ve seen on Black twitter, it’s being seen as a white incursion on Black language to police the word sp*z. My mom lamented to me the other day that, “it’s gone too far, we don’t even use it like that!”

that’s kinda sorta what’s not happening here. the songwriting credits are long because of the sampling and interpolations. that list has only gotten longer in hiphop and r&b since the Blurred Lines suit. You have to credit or else you get sued if your song even has a similar melody - Ed Sheeran did this to settle

Thank you for this, every description gave painted an incomplete picture. ‘no explosives,’ ‘hits like an anvil,’ ‘leaves a distinctive hole,’ ‘six retractable blades.’ 

okay, just wanna let you know that I got that outlook from Michael Pollan’s Netflix doc on the subject and now I feel like I should have known better than to listen to Michael Pollan lol

It’s incredible how this comment section is screaming “iT’s IlLeGaL!!!” knowing damn well that not everything illegal is morally or ethically wrong. Any fucking other time they’d be like, ‘having weed is not a big deal, why won’t it be legalized!’ but here, in this instance, ‘knowing the law is paramount in any