
You're right. There will always be people who hack their electronics, but the percentage is quite low. The damage this guy causes Sony with his Linux hack is inconsequential and they may spend more than the €1M pot of gold trying to make their point.

This guy might be really smart, but he sounds like he has been hanging out too much with Charlie Sheen. Anyway, Sony is fucked. I bought a PS3 right out of the gate, and running Linux was nice, but it didn't stop me from having a primary computer, which is one of Sony's concerns. So Sony is suing a guy for making

I do, err did, some pretty stupid stuff. The story actually continues back at the motel with an umbrella table in the pool.

I've been to Oakland a few times, but when I was in my late teens me and some friends went to see the A's for an ALCS game. We got drunk, after the game hit some bars, and then hopped on BART to get back to our motel in Walnut Creek, but I got a sudden urge for fries. I got off the train, spent my remaining money on

The flag doesn't get my underwear in a knot. I grew up in awe of this and I still am.

Milk...cow, goat, soy, rice, boob juice? My boss hates it when I have an after lunch meeting with him and if I forget to burp myself. Milk and something from Pret A Manger spewed on him doesn't leave his shirt looking very good.

Do I need to be burped afterwards?

The burger pictured seems conflicted. Ostrich is a very lean and healthy meat, but stuff it with cheese, and pile a bunch of bacon on it, and you've got an artery clogger. I'd still eat it. WS also makes a press for non-stuffed burgers and it works brilliantly. You get a well formed burger and the meat holds

Burt Reynolds probably politically incorrect character from the movie Navajo Joe approves this post.

Either they are pricks, people like me are dumb, or something in the middle.

True enough. I signed up for DirecTV just over a year ago, and was given a mail in rebate for a $300 Visa card. I never got it, and ended up settling with customer service for a $100 account credit. I cancelled my account. The only reason I remembered about the rebate was because of the amount.

I think that is part of the formula...take so long to send the cheque that people forget they ever sent in the rebate in the first place.

I don't even consider mail in rebates when looking at the price. For me they are forget-to-mail-in-rebates.

The headline and picture make me think of the after effects of going out on cheap hot wing and beer night.

This needs to be validated by the Weekly World News. As soon as they have finished determining whether Spider-monkey-batboy is real and deal with the questions revolving around their conclusion that Megan Fox is a man, maybe they can get to working on this.

You came close to saying what I said, but with 216 fewer words :)

I just priced a Phantom Flex out and it is around $149,900 over my budget. I guess I'm going to get the Flip from Costco.

For the super slow-mo money shot?

Something had to be done. I have had several Nokia handsets in the past, and I think most people would agree that their hardware is rock solid. I have a spare Nokia E65 that I use to pop in pay as you go SIMs when I travel. I love the hardware, and the battery lasts forever. The problem is that their OS is a mess.

I actually thought she was dead along with everyone on that island that no-one knows where it is.