I kinda want it all except the Dyson Hot Fan Heater: no offense Matt but I cannot understand why anyone would want hot air blowing on them. My giblits don't approve.
I kinda want it all except the Dyson Hot Fan Heater: no offense Matt but I cannot understand why anyone would want hot air blowing on them. My giblits don't approve.
While I'm impressed, if Michael Bay watched it, he'd probably say something like "I could'a done that with CGI and there would've be a fuckload more explosions."
I'm gonna miss the guy. Never knew him, but was always fascinated by him. He was a genius, like him or not. And for all he did, he is surprising "less-rich" than many of his counterparts because he seemed to be more interested in innovation than making another $billion for himself.
It's way too easy and not very creative to use a handle named after a common food...losers indeed.
If it a contest, a country other than the U.S. wins...by losing. Hooray.
I thought about the Atrix as well, although that phone allows for a "webtop" as opposed to a full desktop. I think a true "pocket pc" would be appealing to some. Executed well, I would get one...be it PC, Mac, or Linux...doesn't matter.
The one interesting thing about this phone is that it can take a USB hub and then act like a proper PC, with a monitor, mouse, keyboard, printer and expansion ports. It's a nice idea, but neither the specifications, nor Fujitsu's description ("Fully equipped with basic PC features") give me goose bumps. I doubt the…
Your local Google enforcement officer is going to pay you a visit and afterwards you won't exist...well at least on Street View. I think that "don't be evil" means you won't get murdered.
Least drunk Irishman?
I'm going to re-use a YouTube clip of Michael Bay's "guest" appearance on South Park. Michael Bay certainly wouldn't be happy about the video quality of this clip but it's the best I could find and pretty funny.
Good thing the bloke's parents didn't also let him have a catapult or pot of hot oil used for defending castle in the olden days; or an impaler for that matter.
I wonder if he thought he had three kidneys?
But he has an iPad 2 now. How can he be unhappy. Once he gets over his post kidney donating depression, he will be happy as hell once addicted to the Apple ecosystem juice.
Woolworths Kat? I think you are a Brit but you could be an old school Canadian in hiding.
I have a backup camera.
There are so few redwoods left and they take a very long time to grow tall. I'd say we start a fund and hire some shady guys to go and cut Ellison's house down and see how he likes that.
Fucking A+ comment.
Please don't remind me. I lived in London for around 5 years and REALLY miss the 6 weeks vacation, and the seemingly infinite number of bank holidays. I don't really give a shit about the wedding, but if it is a day off, it would be a great day to fill a cooler with some pints and head to the Heath with some friends…
I guess they are on reserve in case trees ever need to get cut down in the deserts where all the wars are being fought. They must be badass.