
Huh? I haven't touched a cassette in 10 years. Sony has made so many innovations over the years, yet they can't stop the rust buildup.

@DocHobo: Ditto. I was asking myself how a browser that hasn't even been around for 12 years could have a 12 year old security flaw.

@Crrash: I once bought a throwaway cell phone in London. It cost me somewhere around 15 quid and came with 5 quid of talk time. The phone was made by Motorola, didn't even have an address book, and felt like it was built with cardboard, but it served its purpose until I got the phone I really wanted.

@therealjjohnson: I figured most people would think that as it fits in my comment. But G9 means "Genius" or "Good Night," at least Google told me so, and they are all knowing.

@Angler: Thanks! I thrive on compliments.

@Angler: Now I'm confused.

@Settings: G9 means genius to some or good night to others, I think. I meant it as "Genius."

@FrankenPC: At least that would be a sign of intelligence, but then we would be a bunch of 'brainiacs' like Professor Frink on The Simpsons.

@Snes: And I would like to witness that. It means "genius." I hate that shit too. Texting acronyms are dumbing down the masses and pretty soon, no-one will know how to actually spell a real word.

KAYNE, 2BH U R G9 B/C U DGAF. FTW!!! :-)

@Michael Interbartolo III: I based my opinion on the original Google video demo of the product that left me scratching my head wondering if this thing is nothing more than an ad driven way to find TV shows and dismissed it. I just took a look at the updated demo and see that it has more interesting features than when

@Michael Interbartolo III: Actually, yes. Not because it was a great product, but I lived overseas for several years, and I brought along an Apple TV registered with a U.S. billing address, and could get all the shows I wanted that weren't aired in Europe and Asia, on my big screen. It served a purpose, but I'm not

I don't see the point of Google TV. I watched a demo, and there was nothing there that I found interesting. Cockblocking or not, my vote says Google TV fails. It an ad delivery system with some search functions. Bye bye, Google TV. Knowing Google, it is still probably in Beta anyway.

@Ghostnappa9001: Maybe netbooks are just evolving into smaller laptops. I just can't see the argument for the MacBook Air being a netbook.

@Dr.Evil4.0: Right. The MacBook Air has some jam to it and is a real notebook. It would blow away my Acer Aspire netbook in every way.

I didn't know my dog was a gadget, I just thought it was big lump of fur that sleeps alot.

If the hardware doesn't match the great OS, they might be in trouble. I think they need to come out with a killer device to re-invent the brand with a bang...Apple style. If they can't create excitement from the get go, HP may have a lame duck.

In many developing countries this phone makes perfect sense. Many telco's have no interest or cash for digging wire buildings for telephone service. It's much more cost effective to put up a cell tower. So for most people, this little featureless phone with a battery that lasts for 7 days is their only phone and

There needs to be a more unified approach. Jobs could have done it with Apple TV, but he pisses off and scares away as many entertainment executives as he brings on board.

There needs to be an official Hulu HD set top box, and even then Hulu has a long way to go. Netflix may be hard to search but at least it has decent content. I am paying to try out Hulu Plus, and Chad Vader is on the first page of most popular shows. So I am paying for something that is free on YouTube, and the