Ham Rove

Yup, nothing proves how mature and intelligent you are like your constant stream of childish, grade school level insults.

Is Meet The Press the ISIS of Sunday morning news shows?

I am also excited about Squirrel GIrl.

Wow, you're stalking me now.

Yeah, the main X-Men movie made less domestically than the movie starring 2 of the Avengers.

Right, but I'm saying that the big Avengers movie comes out in May, so doesn't it make more sense for Marvel to heavily promote Avengers-themed stuff?

Yeah, I agree with you there.

Well, at least your huge rant raging about how awful I am and insulting me sure proved how I'm the one who always rages and insults.

"I don't know, you would have to ask my friends"

You really have zero social skills, huh?

"I'm not the one bringing up 14-year-old girls for good or bad. That's all you. Embrace it, Rove. Embrace."

I mean, as much as this is…

"I'll be here posting my informed, clarified opinion on subjects,"

It's this ridiculousness:

So I guess you missed the other people who called you a troll and said you reminded them of a penis?

I haven't seen any threats yet, so no.

You're the only one who thinks that people are not being nice to you because they don't agree with your opinion.

I could ask you all of those questions.

So you're saying you're a hipster troll?