Ham Rove

Oh, we all know you'll still be here.

You're the guy who spent all day thinking up childish insults to sling at the guy who, apparently, now works at Pizza Hut, a job I must have gotten since you told me I didn't have a job a few hours ago.

" But you go ahead, ignore those silly old facts, take me ultra-seriously and just stroke out like normal. lol"

There are more to comics than just Marvel and DC, and even with that, one of those companies is putting out a lot of great material.

Isn't that more up to the store that stocks the items picking stuff that will sell?

Again, as I said before, I just pointed out that you went to see a pot comic not on pot.

If you don't read comics, how do you know what is in them?

Well, I can't wait for you to regale us with your story of that time you took all your Holocaust denier friends to see Schindler's List.

In all the ads I see, Axis is being billed as a joint Avengers/X-men book being written by the guy who writes the Avengers/X-men crossover team.

Uh, all I did was point out that you went to see a pot comic while not high on pot.

I bet you like Dane Cook.

Says the guy who was crying about something that happened almost a decade ago.

I would never waste a fatty on you.

And you're so unoriginal that you can't even come up with your own material, you have to steal it from me.

"On the hook?"

Thanks, I will.


Yeah, I'm no longer surprised that you didn't find Doug Benson or Todd Glass funny, considering that your level of humor is "13-year-old on Call of Duty."

Interested in why you would share such a boring, pointless story, yes.

Well, at least you could share your fascinating story about one time two comics bombed "maybe 7 years ago."