Ham Rove

Don't you get it?

The soundtrack is just "Another One Bites The Dust" 10 times.

I just started listening a few months ago and I think it would have made a way better show than CBM.

I like Kevin Smith, but even I can't stand Comic Book Men, whose acronym is "CBM."

"And now it’s created a situation in which hundreds of innocent people
could find themselves out of work—just like what will happen if you ever smoke marijuana."

He didn't do Blues Brothers 2000, so I still like him more than Aykroyd.

I can only hope that they did.

Japan already did it:

I think he took his "Let's be bad guys" line a little to seriously…

Please, call me Garry.

Try Yahoo, I think they made some deal and have a lot of classic SNL clips.

Rush looks more and more like a Boomer from Left4Dead with every passing day.

Thanks, I will!

Too many funny and talented people have died this year.

That's the kind of moxie that Disney appreciates!

What about the supposed Space Mountain decapitations?

Mo' Clooney, Mo' problems.

Damn TV! You've ruined my imagination, just like you've ruined my ability to…uh…um….oh well.

I think you're forgetting about these gems:

Oh, check out the Colbert piece on it.