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In game terms, “John Wick” fixed my dopamine like “Max Payne.” Which is praise.

Yes. It’s revenge porn at its most stylish and it delivers the best dopamine rewards-per-scene. I don’t do video games but I’m guessing that Wick 1 knew the beats and delivered the goods. I even felt it and I don’t like violent stuff.

I got into Super Dave later, discovering him as a “Late Night” kid, but my favorite Super Dave joke was that Super Dave cared so much to keep the public safe by staging death-defying stunts on his own property, which eventually encompassed a giant compound complete with a racing track and a crash safety testing

I was wondering when the best show on TV would be coming back!

Yeah, I’m flabbergasted that Season 3 is going to be set in Europe, especially since Season 2 ended with everybody getting on a plane to Europe, and then it was reported that the next season would take place in Europe, and then they filmed a bunch of episodes in Europe. Really blindsided me there.

“Wick” was a perfectly entertaining, rewatchable mashup of “Payback” and “Collateral” featuring some pretty great kinetic acting by Keanu. The sequels were dulled and unnecessary.

I recently saw the first John Wick, and I thought it was fine, but I didn’t really understand what all the fuss was about.

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I remember my first exposure to him was his ‘Super Dave Osborne’ skits on Showtime’s sketch comedy show Bizarre, hosted by comedian John Byner. As a little kid, who most definitely shouldn’t have been watching that, Super Dave was one of the highlights.

My personal favorite was always Super Dave.

Bob Einstein rocketed his way into the hearts of comedy fans worldwide during his half-decade in the funny business.

Seems like a waste of impossibly good sipping brandy.

Dick Cavett was making Chris Noth jokes during the great depression!

Jalopnik had the right idea in “promoting” — for lack of a better term — Mercedes from commenter to writer. I think the family of sites have done that before with other commenters, too?

Because the new staff do not care about the commentators as I wrote in my post . It’s sad as it used to be a great site . 

In the greys but here goes. I’ve been around on SNS since 2015, last year Kinja stopped working for me so I could not comment .This year I got a new phone but could not remember my log in details for my old account where I was a verified account so created a new account and am in the greys now .

Why is SNS being posted at 9 am PST now? God I hate Jezebel these days and yes, I know no one cares.

This article can be read as to have empathy for incels. Sure, why not? I think that it isn’t too hard to see how a man would be perpetually unable to get a date. If you look like the Grinch, you will have a hard time getting a date. That is true for a lot of actual men today.

I think calling Dick’s work “outsider art” is a stretch. That term is less meaningful when you’re talking about a field where, at least during Dick’s early career, there was a relatively tiny number of authors who were taken seriously as writers and the closest things to any kind of mass media making SF writing

UBIK is crying out for an adaptation.  IMO, it’s PKD’s best story and would make a mind bending film.  Christopher Nolan would be excellent as well.

It’s genuinely a little weird that the most-adapted scifi writer of the late 20th and early 21st century by Hollywood ended up being Philip K. Dick: a talented and prolific but deeply troubled man with few friends, crippling mental health issues, a long-term methamphetamine abuse problem and an audience for his books