See, the first thing my mind goes to in that whole . . . whatever he was trying to get across, is shaking babies. Don’t shake babies, Madison, it’s bad for the baby.
“When I come home from the store and I don’t have any chicken tenders, my kids are not happy.”
I had to exchange the entire frame and arbor assembly on my Pietta 1851 because one of the holes that accepts a screw to secure the trigger guard plate was drilled so close to the edge that it began to crack after about 50 rounds. A couple springs have broken on it, but I’ll grant those are consumables. The end of the…
How do you miss the opportunity to make that divot where the cord goes into the controller a butthole?
As it’s backing up a hyperbolic and emotional claim, the poster’s very clearly using “untold” as synonomous with “innumerable” or “immeasurable” and not in its more literal sense.
It’s been a while since I shot mine or took it apart, but off the top of my head I can picture the trigger and bolt spring screw backing out, or that spring being improperly seated during reassembly, resulting in an untensioned trigger that doesn’t catch the sear at all. Or the mainspring being super heavy, so if the…
For vehicles, I’m sure there’s also a romance about “authenticity” that stretches back to “French Connection.”
I guess it’s possible. Pietta revolvers like the one involved possess known quality control issues.
You’re also handing over what is likely your only way to record video of the traffic stop.
Who’d have thought “Red Faction” would have turned out to be so prescient?
My favorite corporate conspiracy theory is that Gillette bundles a clip of sharper, longer-lasting razor cartridges in with their handles to build brand loyalty, and then every fourth or so kit of refills contains a single extra-sharp cartridge just to keep you on the line.
Follow-up — Is Clifford that specific shade of dull red because his owners hosed him down with tomato soup after he got into a kaiju fight with a giant skunk, and if yes how much screen time is devoted to the fight?
I’ve worked on camera risers at fairly large concerts, and the rule is that you do not under any circumstance let non-media onto the riser. A lot of times you’ve gotta be a hard headed asshole in enforcing that. I’d imagine this goes doubly for techs who’ve got union safety guidelines to follow.
You’re both discussing statutory rape and the relevant ages of consent and majority. Elgort was alleged by the woman to have solicited nude photos of a minor as well as violated her consent during intercourse.
Technicolor by the 1950s actually had a film speed comparable to Ansco or Eastman color negative stock, so I believe the issue then came down more to how a Technicolor camera in its sound-dampening housing was roughly the size and weight of a cruiser motorcycle, which increased location production costs by…