
Oh man, top shelf long islands, those were the days. No one drinks LIT’s anymore do they?

They might have a whiskey that they default to (“Manhattan, up, got it—Templeton okay?”)

Me. I’m waiting out the Mazda as we speak. The Bolt is an ugly little American made shit box. Mazda is a company that makes quality vehicles that look and feel premium and provide a great driver experience. I don’t take my car on the highway, my daily commute is 20 mi round trip and I want a car that at the very least

My ‘05 Highlander is here to give you hope. No such thing as a Nav System in this ol’ fossil, but it’s getting the job done every day for me.

I feel like I’m the target audience here. I have a <20 mile total daily commute, my wife drives a perfect ICE family size SUV. I like Mazda (The wife-mobile is a CX-9) I literally need my car to get me to work every day, possibly the grocery store and the airport occasionally, that’s it. I’m never going to even test

To whatever degree you’re interested in a very funny podcast on this...

I’m going to say this one is a little ludicrous. Foremost, bartenders get tipped out, and rarely do any tipping out, they’re the most well paid and well protected on the restaurant staff hierarchy.


Take the train to Central Park station, call the Double Tree north or the Renaissance and request a shuttle. There is a Budget next to the Renaissance and an Enterprise in the Double Tree, both should be completely dead and have much better rates.


Ur thE ReAL HATeur, CaUSe yoU HaTe PeoPLe Hu wANT 2 deNy OthEr HumAnS THEiR SivIL LibURtees.


“relevant and impactful in the community. For us, that’s a much higher calling than any political or cultural war that’s being waged.”

Yeah, but the guy that’s responsible for the sour program just opened his own joint, Purpose, so woo-sah.

Be my guest.

If me stating that people who work to deny other people their basic civil liberties makes me an intolerant bigot, pin that fucking medal on my chest.

You’re right, it’s a great first step. Just in it’s current iteration seems pretty cynical, but hopefully good ground work to start moving towards things in a progressive direction.

There’s also no case for forgiveness here, they’ve not taken a stance contrary to their previous stance. They’ve just noted that the public bigotry has cost them financially, therefore they’ll end their public bigotry and continue to be the same people they always were, no redemption has been achieved.

Not for me, just deciding to make a statement that you’re not going to actively pursue causes that are detrimental isn’t the same as changing your viewpoint, or apologizing for very damaging beliefs. This is so obviously just a business optics thing that it’s almost offensive that they believe people are this stupid,