
It’s been a while, but at least with Open Table, they used to waive the fee if you marked the reservation as cancelled. Hence the calling around ahead of time. I did know a couple joints that got fined though for marking cancellations for guests that arrived to avoid the fee.

That exactly what I am saying. Now we’re somewhat suburban, so our overs-sell/cancellation ratio is higher. A downtown hotel might only oversell 5-10% but they will still minimize their walks and keep them at an acceptable rate. Walks cost a lot of money, if I’m sold out everyone else is probably close, so when I’m

Looks like a pretty similar angle to my CX-9 which has perfectly fine visibility, the angle of the back creates what appears to be a really small window, but the angle from the rear-view mirror is pretty standard.

Yeah, I’m 100% with you. For my 20-mile daily commute this would be the perfect scratch for my EV itch, since my wife has a CX-9 we’re covered for the long haul family trips etc.

EDIT: Kinja weireded out.

Your room isn’t paid for until you check out, unless you book a prepaid rate.

As my cousin eloquently put it last weekend, naked on a concrete block, is the apparent trend.

Right, but it’s also 70 two or three days a week around here through like...February.

Please have good range and be reasonably priced.

There is NOTHING worse, as a server, than thinking you’re corralling a wadded up bev-nap only to grab a snotty tissue. Be decent fucking person, you “don’t like” putting them in your pockets? Eat shit, I “don’t like” getting other people communicable disease.

If that’s happening just leave, I get that changing jobs sucks, but if you’re making less than minimum wage and they’re not giving you your tip credits, that juice ain’t worth the squeeze. Foremost, server jobs are a dime a dozen, go find the next one. But secondly, if the place you’re working can’t swing the buck or

The entire premise of Sprint’s ad campaign right now is...”Meh, we’re good enough”

Everyone has to make the full minimum wage. Even on the BS Server wage scale. If the local prevailing minimum wage is $15/Hour but service staff only make $8/hr the service staff still must average $15/hr during a pay cycle through a mix of hourly and tips.

2005 - Applebees Northern Kentucky (by a mall and a hospital and a university)- Weekday Lunch $50-$65; Weekday Dinner $75-$125; Weekend Lunch $65-$80; Weekend Dinner $125-$150

Make 15 minutes at the beginning of your reception JUST time for people to sit the fuck down and eat, take advantage of that time to eat, then start all the bullshit and non-sense that is required to keep your MIL fucking quiet.

If you’re on a concept 2 there is a built in 500/1 program, row a hard 500 and take a minute break. It’s a good program.

I tried this at a bar by my house a few days ago. The bartender made me try some first, since it’s so odd compared to a lot of stouts, what being transparent and all.

Unfortunately for said Spleen, Darnold plays for the Jets.

Ive called my 5 mo. old duder from day one. My wife can’t stand me.

I was doing ok until this...