
Listen, I know we have places in this country where we have housing issues. But what the blue hell are we doing about the mental health crisis that is causing far more homelessness than rent prices.

I go to a bar that will sell you a metal straw for a buck if you want a straw. That way they don’t have to deal with paper straw bitching or turtle killer bitching. I think it makes a lot of sense. Now you have a metal straw you can tote around every where and it’s no real skin off your back. I’m sure the MAGA chuds

Fuck, the Bengals are going to sign him aren’t they?

Glad the Reds can do us all a favor and put the Cubs out of the wild card spot just as they head down the stretch with 7 of 10 to play against <checks standings> ugh, fuck, the division leading Cardinals.

Am I doing it right?

It’s different if you live further west, where the states are huge and entering Colorado counts as a legitimately uncommon occurrence for you.

On SW you get Family Boarding between the A’s and B’s regardless of your position on your ticket. So you literally just have to be there at boarding time.

The big thing for me is that there were several opportunities along the way for you to not fuck this up. I fly SW mostly so I don’t run into this very often, but I have been asked to move from an aisle to the middle by one of the last few people on the flight, which...no. I planned accordingly and got checked in at a

Anyone who is talking about taxing the wealthy but isn’t also talking about a day one rewrite of the tax code, isn’t actually talking about taxing the wealthy.

RK Maroon? As in Maroon Cartoons!?

There’s one in Florida. And some in Indiana, and Kentucky.

The old Skyline and Gold Star menus had their origin stories, both were started by Greek folks, if I recall, I haven’t been since I moved to CO. 

Zero, it’s Zero Bars. 

This is an important distinction for me as well. If I dropped nearly a quarter million on going to school there, I'm certainly a fucking "we".

This doesn't sound so bad. If I had to pick a brewery where the taproom is 100% better than the retail version of the beer, it's Avery. Avery makes so much great beer that, as far as I know, you can only get in Boulder. I won't buy Avery in the store, or order it at a bar, generally. But if I'm up that way I always

So you don’t have to put the ball in play? Just make contact? In the other two scenarios you have to make a positive play, the baseball scenario you just have to poke the bat into the strike zone and pray the pitch was a strike. 

My experience with this sort of comment is that they’ve actually never even been to Indianapolis.

I’m sorry you didn’t have good family meal. I worked in three places that the line cooks, or sometimes just the kitchen manager/chef, all took turns rummaging through the coolers to make a big pot of something delicious. Since most line cooks are of Hispanic descent, it was a lot of that kind of food, but this

Oh man, so many options, most of which highlighted in the article, the worst was the $2, $3, $4 menu option. Rock Bottom had this, but they also had pretty loose food cost margins, so if you were in cool with a cook or an expo you got free grub when you asked nicely if it was somewhat quiet.

It’s easy to tell if someone is smoking and driving, you can literally fucking smell it two cars back.