
I...I do? We take reusable produce bags to the store and have discovered leaving the veggies in them makes them funky as fuck an not in a good way. So we just let all the veggies hang loose. But to our credit, we only buy the veggies we need and use all of them pretty quickly.

I did this with corn bread once.

Hamno also is a little testy about people calling him out for his poorly researched, non-sensical screeds that typically result in no actual idea on how to correct very real problems and inequalities.

I mean, even the league kind of glossed over it, it was an illegal helmet to helmet hit and they just said...”Meh, kicker, NBD! It’s not like he could actually HURT someone!

I spent this season teaching my wife to pay attention to pitches, to the point of pausing and replaying pitches to say “Holy Fuck, do you see where this thing is? Now look where it finishes! That’s amazing!”

Here’s a theory, players don’t appear to be having fun, so people don’t have fun watching. Per one of your sources RE: YoY attendance, the Reds are 5th despite not actually being any better, do you know what the Reds did different this year? They looked like they were having fun playing the game of baseball.

Does this mean maybe now we’ll be able to stream the first go around somewhere? I’ve been wanting to re-watch this show forever, but between $17-$25 per season, it’s a little steep.

Dan’s entire twitter last night was “I told you so! Andrew Luck is a pussy.” He took the controversial stance, now he gets to play the, “Who Me?” card, then later he’ll get to play they martyr card. It’s his playbook, what a douche.

So... official Dan Dakich is a massive blow hard piece of shit thread?

Thats a lot of lipstick on a big ugly pig to suggest that the Browns have been tanking on purpose for two+ decades as some sort of “Process”.

I struggle daily at the gym because everyone. EVERY-ONE uses the rowing machine wrong, and I know you can mess up your back and shoulders pretty good if you do it wrong too vigorously for too long. But I keep my mouth shut because I’m not rude...but I really don’t want anyone to hurt themselves.

Hoping for a recession to spite a political foe seems like a new kind of fucked up.

Helps you notice the overwhelming smell of shit that permeates everything withing 100 miles of the city.

No way Roethlisberger can use PowerPoint Computer.

I grew up in Cincinnati, a place that, to steal a line from Dogma, doesn’t celebrate it’s fandom, it mourns it. I am a staunch Reds/Bengals fan and fair weather Pacers fan, I don’t care about HUKKEY. We live in Denver.

Yeah, I'm from Indiana originally. So my story is the same. 

I’ve had a buñuelo, this is much bigger though. Like 8-10 inches across.

Edit: Stupid Kinja

That sounds, at very least, culturally insensitive.

TIL regional pastry names are even a thing.