
That’s a palmier and it doesn’t look anything even remotely like an elephant ear which looks like a puffy fried tortilla.

What are the chances they’ll be even cheaper in October when the 4 drops?

You’ll remember him most for winning a Super Bowl with the Pats, along with Rex Burkhead, James Develin, Matt Lengel (Who is back now).

Like...tap to pay is NFC, if you use and mobile pay app.

Schaumburg police are WAY too busy busting DWB’s to worry about a naked white guy.

Losing Trammel is a meh thing, the Red notoriously cling to and cultivate farm team guys that end up being trash and inevitably trade away ones that are good. Symptom of a much larger problem, clearly.

Who De...oh fuck it.

I’ll take the, “this is a massive waste of fucking plastic that’s going to end up in a landfill, position on this one.

In college triscuts (store brand) cream cheese and pickled jalapeno slices was dinner, entirely too frequently.

Because a hot fresh slider is the exact same sogginess, consistency and more or less temperature of one you found in your glove box a couple days later because your drunk friend put it there to hide it from the weird guy that hitched a ride back to campus with you.

Locations spoof a photo taken in LA? This is going to be a new Instagram thing...isn’t it?

The animal is planning a book on the rampant doping going on in the state fair world. What else would you expect from Jose Lambseco?

I love them all, right up until 1985. But this is the best.

Yeah man, that Pooh Corner song was dope.

Intermission PeeWee soccer is also great, just a mob of 22 kids randomly flocking to wherever the ball is.

You, a human being on Planet Earth, know that since its inception the Corvette has been a front-engine sports car with two seats and either a fixed roof or a convertible top.

I can’t wait to poll my dad on this. He’s a former NCRA judge, it could go either way with him.

My last two flights out of DIA have had about 4 double sided lanes in precheck open. The line always looks frustratingly long but I still seem to get through infinitely faster than the regular line. It’s gotten much better since they stopped doing that thing where they were randomly giving people access to precheck a

My only trip to Casa Bonita was with a vegetarian who requested the vegetarian option. The person asked in a very uninspiring tone if the vegetarian request was “like a health thing” or not. I’ll never go back.

I think the 50th best restaurant in 2018 Denver would be easily be top 10 in the country in the 1960s (judged purely on food at least, not service or decor).