
I rented a car this past April to drive from Naples to Amalfi. I’m fairly certain this will last as one of the worst decisions I’ve ever made in my life. I couldn’t even enjoy the coast because I was too nervous about the drive back to Naples.

This, I presume is a Harley Earl production. Feel free to Google some of his other designs. Shits bonkers. 

I mentioned this somewhere else the other day, but on my way home from work the other day I saw a trailer hitch cover on a truck, facing the wrong direction and with the extremely common yet completely inexplicable parallel neck phenomenon. This thing was pretty expensive looking and almost certainly officially

My wife is an emergency vet and I want to double stress the point about being honest. And I'll even give you a practical reason, if you say you don't know, the cost of running a battery of tests to find out can get out of control in a hurry. Save yourself some money, save your vet and pet some time. Just be

My brothers! I went nuclear and made a new burner. HamNo can't hold me down. 

I always enjoy this one. Mostly because fuck the Colts but also for the gaggle of people, Drew included, who haven't been to Indy in 30 years hating on the city. 

The best thing about the Broncos logo is the fans don’t even knows how it should line up. 8/10 stickers on cars have the horses neck parallel to the bumper. Yesterday I saw a logo hitch cover that faced the wrong direction. I think there is a Twitter dedicated to this hilarious fan malfunction.

Next time, on screaming into the void...

Godammit...another advanced analytic I've never heard of....who can keep up!

Shity (you have to spell it wrong because it’s the Browns.)

Mike Brown’s fax machine

I’m not making anything anyone’s job. I don’t have a solution. It’s definitely a problem and I wish I had a solution, but I don’t.

This is some pretty wild mental gymnastics to make me part of the problem. If you think people with shitty beliefs are aware that their beliefs are shitty, then you absolutely live in a fantasy world. I’m not saying that they don’t know it’s hurtful, or evil, just that they don’t think its wrong.

I would really love to live in the world that you live in. This world where people with shitty, objectively wrong stances on massively important social issues are aware that their stance is wrong. That would be a much better world. If those people knew they were wrong then it would be a hell of a lot easier to get

But that’s EXACTLY the problem. These kids live lives in which no one is telling them these things are wrong. I spent years as a camp counselor in the early oughts telling kids that it was never OK to say fag, and then having to tell them why because their parents, friends and apparently teachers weren’t. Barry is

I’m not at all making it OK to be a racist or a bigot or anything else, I find all of it abhorrent. When I read a story like the ones referenced in the article, I try to reflect on my own life to times when I’ve been insensitive, and work to be better. But this is just anecdotal evidence, I know a lot more people who

Spoken like someone who didn’t grow up in such an environment. If you go to public school with hundreds of people just like you, watch TV that conforms to your sensibilities, and follow people on Twitter who are just like you, then you’ve gained no incredible insight into how the other half of the world thinks. No one

Who the actual fuck would spend $40K on a 100 SqFt pull behind?

Now playing

Great, now not only do we have a generation of youngs that think Weezer is the original artist on Africa, but now they thing Drake had something to do with Ghost Riding the Whip...

Move Stephen A to the Ocho, put darts on the uno.