
But I mean...have you SEEN both of their buildings?

+1 Erectile Dysfunction may be linked to heart disease

Marvin Martian at 21? You fucking ingrates. 

Biscuits and Gravy. 

I quit playing beer league softball because of all the aggro-douche canoe dudes. BEER LEAGUE. There’s an entire competitive league for the over compensators, but they have to come ruin our fun in beer league. The rule in our league was every other batter has to be a female, it was designed to be inclusive and

Fuck yes, this. Every goddamn day. Honestly, drivers in this town almost make the extra 30-45 minutes riding the train seem worth it. 25 in a 30 through a neighborhood but happy to roll through a light that the can recall being yellow at some point. 

My first though is that there is entirely too little traffic for this to be Denver. Also, Denver is a miserable nightmare of a city to drive in. Also the silver SUV coming from the left lane to exit in <1/4 of a mile is pretty much the most Denver driving thing there is.

Fun Fact! Chick-fil-A routinely has regional management meetings and training events, etc on Sunday’s. So all that down homey, God-respectin’ that they make a big show of is just that, a show.

Now you can take your hate and bigotry home with you to share with your family!

“Wow, this serrated knife is PERFECT for cutting tomatoes. Hardly any mess at all! And look at that clean, shiny counter! Isn’t it nice when it’s free of blemishes, DARLING?” Then she’ll grab a paring knife and stab you with it, and then you’ll be like, “See now you should have used the butcher knife for this.” Then

I do this, not on purpose, I just have this drunk gear that kicks in sometimes. I did it yesterday actually, that said, be prepared for a lot of looking around for shit you “put away” when drunk and can’t recall where. But drunk you was convinced you couldn’t possibly forget putting it there.

After some campaigning, Mclean convinced British Dressage to change its rules to allow any animal born to a mare to compete.

Bed bugs are in no way indicative of cleanliness. Speaking as a hotel professional there’s is pretty much fuck all any of is can do to prevent the bastards. Our guest bring them into the hotel with them. Then a room gets infested, despite the thousands of dollars we spend on prevention, then it costs additional

Easy on the punctuation there buddy...

The ocean can kill you merely by existing. The space cannot.

Let me just pull out the Haynes manual here...

I mean...Lax Bros and Ex-military Bros are fairly indistinguishable as is.

Interesting thought, but the one sports podcast over there is pretty high in every podcast app I’ve ever used while Deadcast is almost never even listed, possibly more due to SEO than anything, though.

The difference there is that the promoted and upvoted comments there are what make up the greys here.

“I don’t discriminate, I don’t like anyone” and it’s variants have to be the clearest precursors to in-your-face racism ever.