
He’s...not dead.

LeBron falls victim the the very bullshit he’s made a career of, the sports world collectively loses their mind.

The refs getting even for gifting LeBron the Pacers series?

There is actually a milk list. Every driver submits a preference of what they want, should they win.

I am in Chicago for a quick visit, I was watching this live on local 7. The announcers had no idea why they could conceivably review the play. Giving further credence to my belief that there is no worse local commentary than local Cubs commentary.

This will probably hurt ticket sales and be immediately scrapped.

Just to be clear, connecting rooms and suites are not the same thing, and definitely not interchangeable. Suites are generally meant as common entertaining space, usually with multiple sleeping arrangements, sure. Butif you’re trying to travel economically with a family, a suite was never your best option. Unless by

He’s from Greencastle, Indiana.

They play pretty fast and loose with the term “journalist” don’t they?

2008 financial crisis

I get this sentiment entirely, I do, I worked for a GM who was OBSESSED with light bulbs and now I notice light bulb outages like it’s a sixth sense, it’s not great. That said, its kind of on the servers to notice defects and report them and they typically do, but even in a really nice restaurant with really expensive

Just having to look at Mike Brown in his short sleeved shirts with fucking ties, probably farting audibly, would be the end of me.

C’mon, everyone knows its worth the extra $25 to get the “no crazy guy peeing on himself” upgrade on Frontier.

At my scout summer camp, in the bathroom of one of the staff cabins was a sign that said “It’s not as big as you think, take another step closer” I feel like these are needed most places with urinals.

Well at least we can all be 100% certain these people would definitely all be fans of the “VGK” had this season not turned out the way it did.

Leave his mudder out of this...or you’ll have to deal with his fodder.

SEE! This is why we never should have pulled the plug on Terry Schiavo.

I worked with a girl who ate baby bells with the wax for quite some time before I intervened and informed her she was a fucking moron.

I can golf and ski in the same weekend in February, but sure, it’s the “Badlands.”

I’ve been listening on loop now for a few minutes. It says Yanny, there will be no further discussion on this matter, and I declare the internet closed for today.