
Are...are you purposely glossing over the fact Shazier did this to himself?

Well, dogs are infinitely more likely to actually contract one of the diseases they’re vaccinated against and infinitely more likely to die of said disease...so good luck with all your extremely sick/dead dogs anti-vaxxers.

“Derp, but...hurr durr he hit a three after that...obviously the exact same event would have transpired when they inbounded the ball after the goaltend and the Cavs would have won by one anyway, because that’s how reality happens and nothing would ever have changed the fact that Bron Bron hit a three at the end. It

Damn, Roth nailed it!

Being a little liberal with our definition of “Punk Bands” here aren’t we?

Ice caps melting + displacement of large amounts of water for the big white things...what do you have against the coast lines?

It was only a matter of time before the NFL started humping numbers like those guys over at the MLB.

I work for a MAMMOTH multinational hotel company. It’s probably the first one that comes to mind when you think of hotels. Not only are we no where close to having the wandering CC readers, our ancient PMS system can’t even do chip cards yet. My finance department is managing about $10K a month in charge-back disputes

Service charge is taxable as well as the increase in cost for the food, voluntary gratuities are not.

The answer to this question is limits on the secure WiFi required to be PCI compliant and use the roaming CC readers.

3 of 5 restaurants I worked at made their own. The other two used a Ken’s product that I’ve never seen in a store.

Wow, your anecdotal evidence suggest that? My anecdotal evedince is completely to the contrary.

This is the most succinct way I’ve heard my opinion of TJ’s put. Thank you for collecting my thoughts for me.

I worked at a nicer restaurant for several years, that I shit you not, had a 23 point welcome speech for every table. If you got shopped and hit less than 18 points you got docked shifts, section size, and had to re-do follow training shifts. So remembering specials was pretty easy. That said, I still wrote everything

I thought the FairTax idea had a device that made the effective tax rate for anyone under something like $30K per annum household income 0%?

“Reds bullpen” and “Historically Bad” seem redundant at this point

If Beau is short for Beauregard, you’ve done Mr(s). Titsworth a major disservice by going with the nickname.

The Reds have been “rebuilding” since 1990. It’s been the same thing the majority of my life...hitting that ranges from servicable to electrifying and pitching that ranges from John fucking Smiley to Homer fucking Bailey. But rest assured they’re going to have someone in the bullpen that has a better than expected

Just don’t be a shitty parent. Servers, for the most part, get it. It’s fine...kids make messes, that’s why we have the hokey, to quickly sweep up after people leave. I once had parent that let their kid empty every sugar packet, dump the salt and pepper shakers and shred their crayons into tiny pieces, while the kid

Nah, the Valley is probably a top 3 mid-major conference and since realignment has slowed down as much as it has, they’ll probably stay put.