
Whats with all the typos? Isn’t this shit edited? It’s “Mick Krizilonski” FFS.

My Saab made it 220K with no major repairs before I sold it. It needed a new CIM when I sold it, I guess that’s a major component but not a super high cost repair. I know, anecdotal evidence and all, but I felt like the forums I spent the most time on made me feel most people had similar experiences.

My old Galaxy had face unlock, like...5 or 6 years ago. Why do we keep pretending Apple invented the wheel here? As with most over-hyped Apple technology, it’s not revolutionary, it’s not that handy and (this may be an ice cold take someday) but it will probably never be ubiquitous across all phones.

As a Purdue fan, this sucks. But as a Butler alum...phew.

Impossible...the games erver

Filed to: Fuck and No

I’m too cynical to believe this leads to anything...BUT!

The fact there are no prices on this website makes it a lot less fun to browse. Half the fun of looking at shit like this is seeeing what kind of exorbitant prices someone thinks it’s worth.

I spent a New Year in Oaxaca, in Huatulco, still my favorite trip I’ve ever taken. The variety of Mezcal you can find in the bodegas is amazing. Despite being at a resort, the local area has resisted becoming too commercialized like PV or Cancun. The food was unreal, we spent a day with a cab driver who showed us

The link to the details on the CEO pay disclosure requirement is behind a paywall, so I have no idea if this mandate is a ratio of the CEO’s salary or total actual earnings. If it’s just their salary, this could possibly have the opposite effect. A CEO’s salary could easily be only $200K which for a someone making

MTSU probably carries enough cache from last year and had a pretty decent season to get an at large.



Maybe I’m being pedantic but it’s not the top 68 teams. Generally RPI 50 is the line. With all the small conference tournament winners you get a lot of RPIs in the 80+ area. Not a bad thing, since it’s fun to see the scrappy underdogs. (Though personally I think it should be the regular season winners, not whatever

As long as ESPN is broadcasting Big 12 games they’ll be trying to drum up interest in a mostly boring league. Trae Young just didn’t have the stamina to make this team exciting for a whole season, rarely can a team with one player and a load of scrubs last a whole campaign.

It was McDonald’s. I was in the sports bar business for a while, in like 2009 McDonald’s decided to sell wings, when they did the wholesale cost of chicken parts went through the fucking roof. It never came back down to pre-McDonald’s levels.

I find that most people who hate on Indy haven’t been there in 30 years. Maybe you’re different and have some reasonable gripe against a really nice city. But regardless of what “tier” city you’re talking about, there are very few cities who put on large scale sporting events (or just large convention style events)

Falling down and dropping the ball is an incompletion. So James didn’t complete a catch, lunging isn’t a football move, it’s falling down with momentum. Ertz became a runner and broke the plane. These are demonstrably different situations, there are literally dozens of better comparisons you could have made.

I can guarantee you will NEVER get a dime of my money.

Yeah, OpenTable is imperfect. The onus is on the hostess to move you from the queue to your table. And, if you get a certain number of no shows Open Table will limit your from making reservations, which is annoying. Want to know the SUPER shitty thing? Open Table charges the restaurant a usage fee, the restaurant