
Can someone please fucking tell me how to short crypto currency?!

Three Days Rest: The Reds policy of taking three days to think about everything, thereby rendering whatever they’re thinking about moot and being too late to the discussion.

1. Water...lots and lots of water.

It’s Aldi for bougie white people who feel like they’re getting premium products, but really its the same cheap stuff wrapped up nicer at a slightly higher price, but still relatively cheap. Point being, just shop at Aldi.


I abandoned Samsung after the 5. I just can’t stand their need to bog down the phone with the bloatware. Anyway, I’ve was very happy with the HTC devices I had, although the batter in the HTC 10 went a little stale a little too quick for my liking. So far my Pixel2 is possibly my favorite phone ever. Don’t believe all

Comb, hanky & rubber...are you a young super hipster...or an especially viral 80 year old?

As a person who finds geese terrifying...

Small Lib Arts school guy, squarely team OAR. I was even douchy/fratty enough to correct anyone who pronounced it rather than spelling it. I was the worst.

I vote for the 22 minute live version.

Counterpoint: You’re not that interesting and no one cares what you have to say.

When Jon Gruden, the patron saint of “Good Ol’ Smashmouth Footbaw”© is calling for an ejection, you know this thing is irreversibly fucked.

Just want to make sure I’m clear on this...

Seems like the could have this process be anonymized from the get go. Each box comes with a unique code, the user submits the swab with no personal information attached in a pre-addressed envelope. Then in 4-6 weeks the user inputs the number on a website and can download the information, no identifying information

There’s always money in the NFL fuckery stand.

Last night is one of those nights when I hope a fucking meteor hits the arena. Which would be an upgrade for Assembly Hall. But somehow I enjoyed the fuck out of that game.

Why does Magary look like “Powder” glued a spool of yarn to the top of his head?

Can you short Bitcoin? Asking for a friend...

Not my joke...but maybe the darkest thing I’ve ever laughed at...

Frozen, that’s your football connection