
This is Ruby. She’s being stalked and tortured by the little black asshole behind her.

Dealin’ Doug and his fucking Grandkids.

The Dollop! American history without the whitewashing. It’ll make you laugh, it’ll make you cry, it will enrage you. Truly hilarious.

My dad had an ‘78 Lebaron that did this. He put tacks init perfectly spaced and that shit looked like it was luxury quilted by the time he was done.

As a 20 year hospitality industry vet I would like my slightly educated opinions to be noticed for my self validation purposes.

The existence of cologne is not the problem, it’s the improper usage. If you can smell your own fragrance, you’re wearing too much. Spritz that shit in the air and then walk through it. Which raises a similarly important note. Don’t buy the big ass bottle, if you’re using the substance appropriately, you’ll never get

There was a Saints game in 2010 or 2011, playoff game (maybe?), where after the game in the presser, Sean Payton was rambling about how they lost partly because Drew Brees didn’t get his typical Beefy Mac before the game because the hotel dicked up the food service for the team. Payton outwardly called out the hotel

The issue you’re thinking about has to do with manufacturers and their proprietary Andriod software. Essentially every update has to go to their software people and be fixed to work with their version of Android. Since the Pixel is a native Google phone this should not be an issue.

Matchmaking blows too. I seem to only ever play against people with the fastest internet on the planet. Pretty sure Ive not yet seen a single person that has killed me in an open field.

I just googled this for a solid three minutes and came up with nothing. Therefore it must be a cosmic mystery.

Colorado does this as well, it’s awesome.

I try really hardto be sensitive to how hard it is to make a game of this caliber. But whomever was in charge of the rollout of then online portion of this game deserves to be broke and homeless. This weekend should have been a fun weekend to introduce oneself to a new game. Instead it’s been an unrelenting fuck show

I’ve been out of restaurants for a hot second, but I’m still in hotels and manage one with 2 restaurants in it.

Aloha has always been the best at that. However Micros, still to this day, Is a pain in the ass.

LA team not dodging bullets. More at 10.

FWIW, I’m a week in with my 2XL and not only do I not have any issues with the screen, I can’t fathom what the people who had the burn problem were doing that caused it. The bar that would have caused the original burn doesn’t stay up when you open literally any app. It hides itself on all screens except the home

Signal first...then brakes. Outside of the usual things, for me this is one of the most infuriating things, when some clown starts braking and slowing down for 1/4 of a mile then decides right as their about to make a turn to flip on their signal!

Throw-back Thursday, eh?

Interesting source. Looks like Butler is the 5th best medical school in Indiana, which is terrifying because you can’t get an MD there.