
Want a slightly used Brian Price? Asking for a friend.

I anecdotally support this evidence.  

Does the LG V30 have any similar issues? I’m leaning that direction for my new phone anyway, but since the Pixel 2 XL is an LG device, I don’t want to worry about anything like this going on.

Worth noting that the Toffeemen have only played out of the top tier four times in 118 years and not since the ‘50s. A relegation would be devastating.

“The Niña”

I know, but 99 our of 100 people know what an Eagle Scout Award is, 99 out of 100 have never heard about a Venturing Silver Award.

What loathsome religious view is that? They only ask that boy subscribe to some belief in a higher order. There are religious awards to be earned for almost every possible organized religion. The only thing I’d that you can’t be an atheist. But in my decades with the organization, no one ever asked

I was in Indy for 13 years. Never lived south of 19th St. I don’t think I went south of Fountain Square but a handful of times. FWIW I am from rural southern Indiana, so these are my people, whom I fled at the earliest possible moment. But there’s something about south Indy rednecks that’s different than other Indiana

That stadium rendering looks like a complete rip off of Victory Field.

FWIW here is the current list of Merit Badges. In order to obtain Eagle or any rank above 2nd Class you have to earn a set number of these. 21 for Eagle with 13 required. I’m pretty sure these cover the spectrum of STEM disciplines as well as Outdoors, Life Skills and Entrepreneurship.

The crucial missing piece from Varsity/Venture Scouting that is relieved here is the ability for female members to earn Eagle.

Just in cubs, the “Boy” scout troops will be integrated.

You can’t earn Eagle in Explorers

As an Eagle Scout from before the days of the new and improved Boy Scouts, I’m pretty stoked about the move to be more inclusive. I was very much at odds with the organization for a very long time, and eventually got to the point where I was thinking if I had sons they wouldn’t be scouts. In ‘13 they started making

I would have guessed Beech Grove...I went there once...ONCE


Hat to put the kibosh on your brilliant idea but...

5 Miles from Indy, Jorts, Camo Hats, those women...must be the southside, which is decidedly NOT Indy.

100% the only good thing about Colorado law requiring liquor stores to be separate of grocery stores is you can go into the Trader Joes liquor door, shop in the liquor store, check out at the liquor counter and be on your way with out having to wait behind the yokels who came to the city just to load up 8 carts worth

“Nailin’ Palin” disagrees.