
Fortnite might be perfect since it's all visuals and no plot. 

BvS was primed to be so much bigger of a hit... until everyone saw it. The film was the first time that I realized Snyder has largely been elevated by his creative partners, but almost totally lacks control of narrative... even Michael Bay is superior to him.

Zack Snyder discovers loophole allowing him to unofficially remake Ready Player One in bold attempt to create the most insufferable movie ever made

Isn't that just Ready Player One?

The venn diagram of Fortnite players and Zack Snyder fans has to be as close to a perfect circle as you can get.

Does anybody want to see the Batman V Superman director’s take on the popular game?

“Vengeance Doesn’t Skip Leg Day”

She was pretty good as a kid in Panic Room and I think Adventureland was the best movie/performance I’ve seen from her. (And I’d add a deep cut: Certain Women, a film with three distinct segments and the one with Stewart and Lily Gladstone was easily the highlight). Pretty much everything else I’ve seen from her,

Always has been

Remember when ABC execs freaked out at the Lost episode which hinted that the whole thing was just Hurley hallucinating in a nuthouse? Even knowing how bad the actual ending was, I still get a huge laugh that apparently these guys had so little faith in Cuse and Lindeloff’s storytelling abilities that they’d A. intend

I avoided the Kardashians by not watching Deep Space Nine. 

Wonka also pulled in its dollars despite the fact movie musicals are on the outs nowadays

Ctrl-T to open a new tab. type “Ziwe” - it’s four letters. Hit enter. That’s 7 keystrokes and you’d have your answer.

The absolute best part of the interview:

“George Santos never belonged in Congress. He belongs on Bravo.” ~ John Oliver

“Ahead of its time” is normally something I associate with a great idea that noone was ready for but always online DRM is a bad thing whether it becomes common place or not.

I wrote a whole blog about this (on this site! that no longer exists! fuck the herb!) at the time, and I stand by it to this day. Xbox One was way ahead of its time and some of its smart home theater conveniences still haven’t been adequately replicated to this day.

Bay has more watchable movies then Snyder

I read Snyder is changing Skrein’s “Atticus Noble” to “Nazo Subtle”.