
Oh okay so we’re talking about real, actual antisemitism not you made some students and a billionaire uncomfortable criticizing Israel’s war crimes and colonialism while acknowledging the human rights of Palestinians “antisemitism.”

Lithium and Magic Anti-Asshole Pills. There. There’s your prescription. Take it and please shut the fuck up.

Drop a million dollars in my lap and I might be able to retire a few years early. Drop a billion dollars in my lap, and I can live like a king for 500 years. There is absolutely no use for a billion dollars except for taking food out of the mouths of millions of people. It’s not enough for them to be rich - others

Conversely, there are plenty of outlets out there to watch gameplay. I’m not saying Twitch should or should not allow Tig ‘Ol Biddies, I’m just saying that particular argument goes both ways.

I think the solution that would be okay to almost everyone is to segregate actual sexual content in his own category, and give us a option to hide it.

Which is especially shitty given what a great cast they put together for the new characters. Along with Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac are all charming as fuck and they had great chemistry together. 

I feel like we don’t talk about Beverly Hills Cop enough in terms of series that went from awesome to terrible. The first movie is a stone classic, the second is mediocre 80s excess and the third is about as awful as any cash-in sequel you’ll ever see.

Everything I have seen so far indicates he is controlling and emotionally abusive at the least. His language in that audio gives me abusive “high quality man” vibes. 

“....... I'M A FIVE STAR MAN!!"

I thought that was Adam McKay or Aaron Sorkin?

Yeah, like...we’re just going to try fascism, at some point. Actual, real-deal fascism. Couple that with our utter inability to learn until *after* a crisis hits, and yeah, not great!

Just like America right now.

Americans are FAR to lazy for a mass uprising.  The biggest coup attempt of the last 200 years was basically just incels acting like they rushed the field at a college football game.

That’s like saying the country “didn’t need” Apocalypse Now or The Deer Hunter. Artists reflect the world we live in. No one’s making you not watch reruns of The Office instead.

if only to answer the question of in what alternate universe would California and Texas ever be teaming up

Y'all gon get held back a grade 

The time and place to get political is whenever you have large amounts of eyes an ears on you. That’s how messages get spread. the only people who I find say that isn’t the time or place tend to be rich or privileged people who have it good whom these things don’t affect. their lives are great and they don’t empathize

Those speeches are literally the moment. That’s when you can drop what is close to your heart, what helped you drive your work and what made working hard. It’s meant to be emotional and personal. That includes things that are for some reason considered “political”. If people don’t want to hear it, that’s another

The time and place is where and when people are listening. The people who most like to say “time and place” are also the kind of people that will scream for Colin Kaepernick to be arrested after kneeling in protest, something HE LITERALLY CONSULTED WITH VETERANS ON TO DO IN THE MOST RESPECTFUL WAY, but then won’t bat

I was laughing at how absurd this was, every time they did it. How utterly insulting. And then to start things off memeing about it with Christopher Judge, like, “harharhar we played you off the stage last year because your speech was so long” and then they did it SEVERAL times unironically for some speeches that were