
Pretty shocked not to see Ezra Miller anywhere on here. And on that note, The Flash is nowhere to be found either, and it should really be on the Worst Picture list. That was the biggest flop in a year of superhero flops, but more importantly it was also an aggressively insulting movie that forced us to endure two of

You’ve got to remember America is still a very white Christian country that would rather live under a Christan Taliban dictator than a democratically elected dark skinned mooslim.

I don’t know the lady but I wouldn’t really expect Dolly Parton to care. I expect the real issue, if there is one, is the “Y’all bought tickets for this shit?” stuff.

Hell, half the country thinks Donald Trump is totally innocent even though he broke dozens of laws left and right blatantly right in front of everybody and bragged about it.

Cocktails of Many Colors.

It’s either Corporate moralism or the damn Space Pope who won’t let us have our AI sexbots.

I doubt MS would invest in the game for Gamepass if that was a risk.  It’s similar but legally distinct.   This is hardly the first BOTW or Pokemon clone 

Your blinks are 30 seconds long? You need to go see a doctor!

I think we need a period catchphrase for this movie. How about “Search the web!” ? Lacks some zing though.

In fairness, New Yorkers were tired of even thinking about 9/11 by about November 2001. We had a moment of silence for it and thought about that day on 9/11/2002, but that was pretty much it. It’s the rest of the country that were obsessed with it and used it as their excuse for every law they could that limited

It’s Morbin’ time.

how does every new news article about this movie make it sound worse and worse and worse? its like theyre trying to at this point

Sure lets set it in early 2000's in NYC.

There’s only one Lorne Michaels impression worth watching:

Yes, and instead the “A.I.” is being used to create a greater dystopia of corporate control over human individuality and expression to shell out product quantity over quality for their profit. The idea around its “convenience” is a smokescreen - it’s being used to make another power grab.

“other stuff”, like sleep outside.

Bullshit. If you honestly believe that corporations won’t want to cut the immense costs associated with paying for people to do jobs (salaries, health care, payroll and employment taxes, etc.) and replace them with AI programs once they’re up to the task, then I’ve got a heck of a piece of property in Florida to sell

All the thirty year old actors are off playing high schoolers.

As a PC gamer I adapted to this over a decade ago.  It was clear when this generation of consoles had a disk free version that this was the way it was going to go.  That being said,  Microsoft has really done a good job keeping as much playable as possible with new hardware.  There are purchases I made in the 360 era

Pirates are doing *MOST* of the heavy lifting when it comes to game preservation. See also: movies and music