
I know people in game development who will not mention that they work in game development because of the toxicity that they could then expose themselves to. These are people that love games - playing games, talking about games, thinking about games, building games - and yet, when it comes to dealing with online gaming

Always weird when Hollywood’s penchant for franchises/branding/remakes/sequels is some new or escalating phenomenon, and not just how Hollywood has done business like...forever....

Im not really trying to do an “on the other hand”.”

I play video games daily. Thank god and Satan, I am not a gamer.

No.  This is not the topic to try to go “but on the other hand”.  THERE IS NO OTHER HAND.  The toxicity needs to stop, end of conversation.

Devs: Stop being toxic.

Gamers gotta be the #1 demographic for “People who think they know how something works but actually have no idea”.

I drive to work every day. I don’t pretend to think I know even 1% of how to make a car.

Hallikainen devotes a large chunk to discussing the “growing tendency of toxicity in our community.”


I took facial math in college. It was an enormous load but it came to me easily.

Jack Black should be just as mad as DeBose. My man has a Grammy for best metal performance and two additional nominations.

Porsche needs to do an equivalent stunt where they race a Cybertruck against one of their cars, only... there’s snow on the ground.

Yeah Watchmen was fucking awesome and was actually a full series with only like 1 thing left hanging at the end.

I get your point now, and agree that doesn’t make a ton of sense.

You’re missing out. The Leftovers and Watchmen are amazing.

I feel like I’m misunderstanding your point. Humans can’t be genetically identical to engineers because they’re shorter and not blue? 

No, the proto-Alien is on purpose by the Engineers. The “real” Alien is further on purpose by an annoyed robot with daddy issues.

I like Hawley and LOVE Fargo so I’m trusting him to come up with something interesting, but just the fact that it’s part of the “Alien” universe leads me to fear/believe it will not be good. That’s only because I have 35 years of history on my side, though.

Sorry but the Prometheus and Covenant origin is way cooler/horrifying and HR Giger-ish than mundane Darwinian evolution.

Yeah, I have a lot of issues with the prequels but one of the things it got right is that technology and aesthetics don’t always advance in step with each other, and don’t always consistently move in the same direction. Of course things looked prettier during a prosperous peacetime than they did under the thumb of an