I think that would be a ‘semi boy’ or ‘quarter man’.
I think that would be a ‘semi boy’ or ‘quarter man’.
I left Way of Water (IMAX 3D!) thinking “That was basically a 2-hour theme park ride.”
Well, guess what, Jackie? You’re gonna get your wish! You get to live with 10 entire boys on a farm in Colorado and get to know them extra, super well.
Once again, for those that had their fingers in their ears, if the other person did not explicitly say yes, or was not in a psychological place to understand, then the answer is NO.
Just like the movies then, sounds like they nailed it.
lol, way of water was embarrassingly bad. some blue kid dies at the end and I couldn’t even figure out which brother it was, it’s all the same bland writing and performances.
I mean, both movies were visually stunning with zero plot or depth, so I guess this is pretty faithful?
Is the Smurfgully franchise really “some of the most popular films in history”? It’s not even the most popular franchise named “Avatar”. Sure, the films made a lot of money, but they’re high-tech spectacle from one of the most famous directors alive, so of course they would. Does anybody actually care about the lore…
“Gorgeous, Fun and Empty” ... So it’s like an Avatar movie?
Destiny 2 is six years old.
I’ve worked on a Destiny-like game before, while I don’t want to forgive the Bungie guys for all their mistakes, it is exceedingly hard to keep all of your old content playable over a multiyear game. Just the amount of content alone grows to an amount where you have to develop an entire system for load/unloading…
I think a parody of DeSantis is more likely, because it would be less controversial and more locally relevant. Plus they could make fun of him for free advertising when he inevitably attacks the game.
Exactly. Blackface has a long racist past, and a specifically racist past.
I mean, you’ve gleaned a lot from from one trailer. You may be too old and crotchety to remember, but Power Armor’s always been front and centre, even back in Interplay’s days. Just have a look at the covers for Fallout 1 and 2
In what way..? He didn’t say anything about framerate.
You've just made his point.
Not surprising.
It’ll be an adults-only game and you’ll still have 11 year olds on the mic constantly while online
Sounds like white collar crime.
No one - and I mean no one - does a better job with trailer songs than Rockstar. Their choices are always just outside of what you’re expecting, yet absolutely, positively perfect. Who else would have picked a deep(ish) cut by Florida’s own Tom Petty to score the glamour, swamps, and depravity of Vice City?