The same thing I want in life, more fun and less depression.
The only reason to hid it and make it a mystery is to manipulate your match making experience
I personally like the theory that “Mad Max” is character that people tell stories about around the post apocalyptic camp fire. He’s a legend and the movies are just myths about him. That why even the first three don’t really blend well together when you really watch them.
The timeline doesn’t work. It makes more sense to look at Fury Road as a reboot or that the Max in FR is a different person than Mel Gibson’s Max, who either doesn’t exist in this version or Hardy’s Max is inspired by or impersonating. Miller admits that it’s not clear, and I’d say it’s not particularly important.…
Pitch Guy: Phew. To be honest, when I pitched an adaptation of “The Torment Nexus” and they called the cops on me I thought my career in this town was over!
Pitch guy: What if we do a game show but like, based on that barely mediocre flick that was popular for five minutes?
Maybe this is climate bias... but who are these people who need lip balm every day of their life? Other than really bad sunburns or extended cold dry weather, I’d place lip balm pretty low on the hierarchy of essential care supplies?
But the issue at hand is that is doing the opposite of that, right? MW2 player counts dove pretty hard, faster than they typically do. When every match is a sweat-fest, it ceases becoming something you do to unwind and therefore you don’t feel like playing it anymore. Sometimes you just want to play against a team…
At first I was going to make the same comment but then I remembered what it was like being in basic training and then AIT. Some people either have zero shame/respect towards people near them or vastly overestimate their ability to be discreet.
I love this idea of “well if u hate him now u must be a LEFTIST WHO USETA LUB HIM.”
And it’s Never loved or hated him. Never bought into the IRL Tony Stark narrative, because there was nothing to it then. He invested well, but is on a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the patents that supposedly speak…
At this point I think Musk could step out onto a stage, audibly shit himself, throw up, and then start crying for his mother, and it would count as one of his more dignified public appearances.
I’m surprised it’s a real word and not just something he made up on the spot.
I hope the stress Elon Musk is feeling will cause his hair to fall out a second time.
AI definitely has value when it comes to game development. Especially in regards to testing where it can automate a lot of the dead simple, but tedious and time consuming things like “run into wall for hours to make sure there aren’t clipping issues.”
What you didn't know is that the woman in question is a resentful bigot.
Anyway, the film in question is A Cowboy Christmas Romance with Jana Kramer and Adam Senn, which is about a real estate agent who goes back to her small hometown...
Seeing a movie sex scene and worrying “that the people involved—as in, the characters—may not have consented to being watched” is so stupid it’s almost impossible to believe. The character doesn’t exist. They don’t consent to anything — not to saying dialogue or crossing the street or getting fake-shot in the face.…