Incidentally here’s what I could find when I looked up “c-section without anasthesia”doesn’t seem like standard care to me.
Incidentally here’s what I could find when I looked up “c-section without anasthesia”doesn’t seem like standard care to me.
I didn’t think the terrible thing’s Hamas did would immediately be overshadowed by the terrible things Israel is doing to “defend” itself from Hamas.
The worse part is jackoffs everywhere are championing either side like it is a fucking football rivalry, and nobody can have an adult discussion about this without…
What an absolutely despicable, dehumanizing post (who fucking starred this shit to bring it out of the greys).
Stop swiping at Israel.
Oh I LOVE when God tells people it’s okay to do crimes!
I enjoy this show and FFS it’s not the place to be talking about school shootings. Yes, the show has a good amount of social commentary, but that particular topic in *this* show could not work. There is absolutely no humour to be had and this is, first-and-foremost, a comedy series.
I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t want an episode of her situation comedy to be about children being murdered.
I’m about a third the way through season 2 on Hulu and I’m excited to see where the charter schools plot goes. Good for them for helping to educate people on how charter schools fuck over normal schools.
Unless the government is actually handing him a paper check for his pay, he’d have to have an account somewhere. The fact that one doesn’t show up makes me wonder what Caribbean island he banks with.
Yes, he’s existing in 2023 without a checking or savings account. <massive eyeroll>
Or ... and stick with me here ... he’s such a Christofascist whackjob that he doesn’t think the rules apply to him, and when confronted he’ll pull a “Thomas” and claim he was advised he didn’t have to follow those rules.
Watch how quickly and inexplicably that changes!
According to the bombshell report, Johnson “has never reported a checking or savings account in his name, nor in the name of his wife or any of his children,” and nor does he disclose any assets or stocks.
This. I am much more confident that Johnson is blatantly not disclosing his holdings for reasons that make sense only to him, rather than that he has no money.
Makes the fact that his first big act is to push for defunding the IRS that much more understandable.
I am flummoxed that the take here is that Johnson is somehow one of those “broke boys”, instead of some mixture of the evils of Republican loopholes (and competent exploitation thereof) and the torrent of improper disclosure (and other financial) scandals even Jez has been covering
This is the exact scenario that got Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell in trouble with that idiot lobbyist. Dude was over six figures in debt when he took office.
Yep. I have no problem describing Hamas’s slaughter of 1,400 Israeli civilian, wounding of 5,400 more, as despicable barbarism. I’m confused about why I would describe Israel’s actions that have slaughtered twice as many children as anything other than despicable barbarism. But I have this weird thing where I think…
Hey white people , if you could stop shoe-horning MLK into every fucking bad political take you have that’d be great, m’kay?
When +8,300 people have been bombed to shit, most of them were civilians, half of them were children, and you’re rooting against a cease-fire, you’re the problem.
Strange to say, I actually like these as a slideshow. I don’t like having to scroll through every single story on the same page