
they should focus on good movies, instead of universes.

Classic Invisible Man is a great film, but it loses a lot of horror weight when you think about how this dude is just causing all this murder and mayhem while running around butt-ass naked. (In winter, no less.)

“Dracula Boat” sounds like a cheap boardwalk dark ride. 

I have read several places that this is a coordinated strategy to show Jordan losing support. There are apparently a lot more than 20 who don’t want him, but some are voting for him in the first few rounds to make it look like he has more support than he really does. With every vote, a few more are switching over to

Neo-atheists and fundamentalists are nearly the same.

Doesn’t mean it’s entertaining.

His humor has simply turned into anger

Has there actually been a time that he ever wasn’t through this whole thing? Dude got a standing ovation after assaulting someone in front of millions.

Theirs is the saddest and most craven take on marriage I’ve heard in a while, akin to the “Who Wants to Marry A Millionaire”-style performative public spectacle. 

I think it becomes an issue when you base your personality, or rather “brand” on how successful your marriage is and fashion yourself into some kind of authentic relationship advice guru. They’ve been acting holier-than-thou with regard to how they “worked through” shit in their marriage for years when it turns out,

Univision sold all the Gizmodo sites over 4 years ago and, yes, it’s a “big company” by almost every metric

lol wut? Univision is nowhere near “niche”. It’s a major multinational media conglomerate. 

Not unless it was a teenage girl.

“We really want more of the mainstream to think ‘Oh, I love that jacket’—the Elden Ring Jacket, for example, they could totally love it from a visual standpoint and buy it without realizing it’s an Elden Ring piece,” he continued.

Imagine being stuck in an elevator with them

“This is why it's bad when one big company controls lots of stuff." Yeah, this site's parent company being a prime example.

To Jada, it appears to be a way to maintain a lifestyle her mediocre talent could not, and to continously drag the person she claims to love. She’s an asshole. Period. Full stop.

If Jon Stewart hasn’t already done “The Problem With Capitalism”, this would make a good object lesson for that episode.

Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about and are pulling your take out of your ass.

The only good element of the pandemic was the deemphasis of China as a market for US-based entertainment, especially films, which increasingly muted any negative facets focused on China. But Apple has a special conflict of interest that will make it impossible to touch anything that could impact its relationship with