So I looked it up. Musk has a BS in Physics and a BA in economics.
So I looked it up. Musk has a BS in Physics and a BA in economics.
It’s amazing/not amazing to listen to the GOP try to blame this all on the Dems - and do it with a straight face - when they:
But while Jordan won a majority of votes within the caucus
Might I suggest Hakeem Jeffries? Anyone? Five anyones?
That Bacon guy is on CNN right now and says that Jordan is pissing people off and he will lose even more votes the next time. He is telling Jordan that he needs to give it up, not going to happen lol.
LOVED when Ultra-MAGA Stefanik, during her introduction of Gym Jordan, commented that he has always been a great leader all the way back to his days as a wrestling coach and the ENTIRE democratic side of the aisle broke into great laughter. Fantastic unexpected comedy.
Yeah, the schadenfreude is very real. I almost laughed out loud when I saw he got fewer votes on the second ballot than on the first. There’s just no future where Jordan wins the speaker’s chair.
Jordan is a fascist insurrectionist piece of shit who enabled the sexual abuse of minors. Watching him get humiliated as he’s flailed about like someone who doesn’t know how anything in Congress works (spoiler alert: it’s because he doesn’t) has been a joy to behold. Add in the fact that a number of Republicans from…
I certainly wouldn’t oppose a bipartisan solution, but the Democrats shouldn’t just agree for free.
It’s like can only get Musk to do something if you convince him it was his idea
Can we install this on Musk's computer and tell him it's the new Twitter control interface, then get rid of all the Nazis on real Twitter while he is distracted? He'll never know the difference anyways.
“I’m definitely disappointed in myself about it because regardless of what anyone is gonna think it’s absolutely not something I stand for or something I say in my private life ever.”
Right. These people deserve to be slaughtered, without any trial or due process, because Hamas won one election 17 years ago.
You see, this is one of those funny canards that keeps getting repeated but there’s one pesky little flaw: why would Hamas use civilian shields when it’s clear from the actual statements of Bibi, the IDF and other high ranking Israeli officials that they simply don’t care? Netanyahu’s advisor celebrated the attack on…
Ah yes, I too remember that great scene in the first “Iron Man” where all the terrorists used women and children as human shields and then Tony Stark just blew everybody up instead of trying to save the women and children’s lives. Truly his finest heroic moment.
Well Jesus is supposed to show up sometime on Earth, and it’s totes gonna be in Israel so, you know, they gotta do what they gotta do and we have to let them because Jesus!
Where are the “right to lifers”?
Evacuation routes to the north and south are being targeted and hospitals are being bombed.
I stopped playing Diablo 4 after spending days in Nightmare difficulty grinding dungeons with enemies 10 levels above me and only gaining one level. Once you’ve found every altar and completed every side quest, all the fun is gone. What’s left is glacial progression and unrewarding loot.
Real talk, if you just want to play through the open world and the campaign...say maybe 30 to 40 hours of play time, the game is great. All the complaining is really related to everything after level 50. It’s a mess.