
Honestly thought she’d be flat-backing for a Saudi Prince by now. Or an elderly Italian with an inheritance estate in Tuscany and a portrait of Mussolini over his bed.

Are... are you comparing the description of noting that a man is very tall (a generally positive attribute), to fat shaming someone? This is a deranged comment.

Bootstraps? Let him steal his own money just like dad and his forefathers. If the breathless bigots of the far right propaganda machine are to be believed, all Barron has to do is change his pronouns and run rampant in the WNBA for a fast paycheck. Idiots.

Kid never looks anything but completely miserable. And very pale, even for a pale male. Does he never go outside? 

Term limits. Now.

In a year not a single person will care about the last few months of her time in the Senate

I hope Feinstein’s memory is a blessing to those who knew her. And maybe a lesson to other aging politicians to gracefully resign while they still can.”

Well said.  

I mean, being 90 is kind of a significant health issue in and of itself.

You have to wonder how much Feinstein was really aware of what she wanted toward the end there. It wasn’t clear she really knew anything that was going on around her. I bet if you’d asked her point blank what year it was, she would have struggled.

Well, she got what she wanted. She got what they all want.


Biggest money saving they could do is dump the CEO. Their email was a waste of time and money and I am willing to be he delegates 90% of anything he is supposed to do. He probably delegated writing the email. 



Kyle Rittenhouse killed some people, so... prolly not.

Republican lawmakers give me nightmares, but I’m not torching their offices.

Burning up buildings because of something you dislike should be an automatic Get Out of Society card.

Which Burger King did they take her to? 

I hope she gets all 20 years.  

While we likely have Republican lawmakers to thank for her 300 mile round trip, it seems they dropped the ball by not having added requirements that she wait until her second appointment or view images from an internal ultrasound probe before committing arson