
And Swarm isn’t the first horror themed show with a heavy Black female input. Them on Amazon was created by a black man (Little Marvin) but was produced by Lena Waithe and had Marvin and Christina Ham in the writers room (yes, there were white writers as well, but with Waithe producing the black voices weren’t pushed

How long before this happens?

- but whenever the main character is triggered by someone knocking her idol, you hear the buzzing of bees and she goes into a sort of trance and murders someone.

“I jacked off to you” - a statement almost every man thinks is like the highest compliment. 

Ummm Jezebel, is there *nothing else* you think you should mention when you write about Peter Thiel?

To borrow from Joan Rivers, “And doesn’t know how to say ‘no’ in any of them.”

This crew (Alito, Thomas, Boof, Gorsuch, and OfMitch) along with the now-useless Roberts, have destroyed the traditions that earned the SCOTUS the wide respect of citizens for two hundred years.  Nice going, you partisan hacks.

The creepy Federalist Society’s hand picked mole justices, shady?? How dare you

Anytime someone mentions that she speaks 5 different languages, I like to point out that she has nothing intelligent to say in any of them. Her fashion sense looks like she was raised in a communist country.

Hell, I am amazed she got them open considering she has the Clint Eastwood “Man with No Name” steely glare as her resting face thanks to the nip/tucks.

Keep in mind, that’s her job. At this point she’s the second most successful courtesan on the planet. She was the first, then Queen Elizabeth died. 

In fairness, Melania still gets shit from the last time she seemed to engage with her surroundings.

If I had let that orange orangutan flop around on top of me for 7 seconds of disappointment just to end up continuing his wretched bloodline, I’d be disassociating until my mind astral projected to the 5th dimension. 

I vote for deportation. We don’t need Russian pandering euro trash in America.

I watched the whole thing and - hopefully not spoiling things, but these things have been mentioned in most reviews - but whenever the main character is triggered by someone knocking her idol, you hear the buzzing of bees and she goes into a sort of trance and murders someone. Afterward, she suddenly has a craving for

We as a community often demand to see Black actors not pigeonholed to play the same stereotypical characters we always see and when we finally get a chance to see a horror themed show co-created by a Black woman with Black women in the writers room. (Mali Obama wrote one of the episodes) There’s people falsely trying

Atlanta is definitely not a show for everyone.

Fabulous picture of the two of them up there. Do you suppose the photographer was some kind of minority and they just weren’t expecting it?

Twitter can suck my balls.

There are a lot of real things to get offended about, I hate it when people stoke outrage by purposefully misreading statements. Especially on a webpage founded by Henry Louis Gates Jr. for much higher purposes than dragging down a black man for the clicks.