If she’s this thirsty now while she actually IS a senator, look out for some seriously desperate attempts at validation when she goes back to being a colorfully dressed nobody.
I think the Vegeta always takes an L comes more so from after he and Goku became frenemies and in all the big fights moving forward Vegeta always take the L vs the big bad and Goku comes in to save the day either with a new transformation, or more likely the Spirit Bomb.
There’s no one more responsible for this misconception than Vegeta himself. He’s the one who is constantly going on about “surpassing Kakarot,” and who always has an emotional crisis whenever Goku gets a new power-up. He’s never lost to Goku but he ACTS like he has. Perhaps it’s because Vegeta is actually kind of a…
Really hope this egotistical dumbass gets wiped out in 2024, and then finds to her sudden horror that GOP business donors aren’t willing to underwrite her lavish lifestyle and vacations anymore because she doesn’t have anyone who actually wants to deal with her as a lobbyist in the Senate.
Vapid stunt queen flails for attention, news at 11!
Why is THIS a slideshow!?
DeSantis’ presidential campaign is going to be heavy on paid ads and very staged appearances because he has the charisma and relatability of a potato.
As near as anyone can tell, about half-a-dozen people reap the majority of the benefits of Scientology. Everyone else is just a cult stooge and\or indentured servant.
“It’s complicated”. Not really. Scientology is a cult and a scam that destroys families and caters to its most famous members. They are also (partly) successful because of those same famous members such as Tom Cruise, John Travolta and Will Smith.
Because what you wrote isn’t relevant to how the Church cuts off people who leave. Anyone who decides they want to have a life outside of the church is cut off from contact with anyone who still is a member.
Um, yes? Since it’s a shot at how weird and callous Scientology is. The author isn’t responsible for you inability to understand that.
Is there another way to frame it? Scientology dictated what children he has a relationship with. They decided he can’t have one with Suri, and Cruise (like a piece of shit) clearly accepted their decision.
I life in Florida. Can’t move. But we happen to live in a relatively liberal bubble area - a small one in a larger city. That has to be enough for now. Desantis is behind only Gaetz in embarrassing behavior and Desantis is more dangerous because he eats ass more convincingly.
Nothing remotely “complicated” about it. The cult loves “disconnection” and declaring people SPs, and Tom Cruise is a rich dupe who chooses the cult over his daughter.
DeathSantis might be a dweeb, but he can present himself as “normal”. And that’s all the republicans need to make a Christian fascist dictatorship happen.
He gives off big ‘staring at your tits while you talk’ energy
Hearing DeSantis talk about objective truth and reality when his entire political career is based on actively engineering problems and scandals based on total falsehoods and distortions is a real whopper. Trump almost definitely believes every word that comes out of his mouth as absolute fact, but DeSantis is educated…