~The A.V. Club
~The A.V. Club
Yeah, I read that part like “...wut?”
Wait, so an African man disrespects a black woman and then cries about it to a White Supremacist? Wah?
...yet somehow they determined she would be “mature enough” to have and raise a kid?
It is rather incredible how the people who cite the 1st amendment the most seem to lack the understanding of what it actually says
In fairness, it was just asking questions
If you are telling it on Tucker, you are wrong.
“Poor”? Hmmm … he’s living in the District or the ‘burbs. On his employer’s dime, and has a press pass to the White House. Screaming at a woman born in Martinique with Haitian parents about accents. Betcha his socials are full of contempt for: dark skinned Black women, queer folks, women in positions of perceived…
If she doesn’t need to do that, then perhaps Ateba doesn’t need to bring those up in his tattle-fest to Carlson.
“The First Amendment says that I have the right to ask questions, to do my job.” You have the right to ask; you don’t have the right to an answer. And the fact that he immediately went to Fox for support makes him suspect. We had Diamond and Silk, and now we have Rayon.
It’s almost grosser than that. It’s like when banks that have undermined every bit of banking regulation the government tries to pass are then the first ones with their hands out for a government bailout when shit goes bad. These women shilled for a company that tried to torpedo every single bit of…
Honestly, just look at Tucker up there. Even his hairpiece looks capable of sexual harassment.
This just in: network that advocates on behalf of the “Women Are Things” political party does not respect women in the workplace!
If it serves the Kremlin, Tuck-yo Rose is all for it.
I know it’s been decades since it happened, but I still think of Tucker Carlson as the bow-tied wearing guy who Jon Stewart once humiliated on the old CNN Crossfire show.
I was just thinking about how ironic it is that the beginning of Fox News’ current problem is the result of someone there actually trying to be a legitimate news outlet. Calling AZ for Biden in 2020 was what a real news organization should do, but once they did, their entire “infotainment” operation went into cardiac…
...but then the leopard ate MY face!
This just in: Woman works for Evil, Inc. is aghast when she is used as tool for Evil and is viewed as slightly above scum by heads of Evil, Inc who are little more than dipshit frat boys.
What was the first clue that Tucker Carlson/ Fox News were horrifically sexist, other than everything about them
You buried the lede. If Fox’s lawyers encouraged Grossberg to perjure herself in preparation for her deposition for the Dominion litigation to shelter higher ups from liability, which is still ongoing and only at the summary judgment motion stage, that is literally a crime Fox’s attorneys conspired to commit. It…