
How do you know DT is lying?

“...his purpose here is testing whether he still has the juice to spark another violent demonstration.”

No, Keith. He is not playing US. He’s playing a few remaining very vocal idiots who still buy anything he says. He’s killed off a large portion of his moronic, knuckle-dragging white trash contingent, many have lost faith in his power to hurt the people they both hate (without hurting them too), and some have even

Does the Catholic Church have any chapels dedicated to all the children the CC molested and all the women and babies they killed?


And the number of strip clubs with “lewd acts” happening on premises dwarfs that number.

There are 19 Hooters in the state of Florida.

Sure would be nice if Republicans worked as hard to protect kids’ lives from school shooters as they did fetuses from abortions.

Agreed. Leave them alone with the gators and the burgeoning Burmese python infestation they started by releasing pets who got too difficult...plus the rise in sea level that they don’t believe in which will put their whole state underwater. Seems only fair.

After watching that clip, I’m reminded less about the Queen’s death and more about the fact that all Twitch streamers have to performatively scream every 30 seconds to entertain their 12 year old fans.

How will instructors teach about grammar and punctuation if they cannot discuss periods?

Conservatives: Free speech is under assault!

Florida...the new Christalibanism state. GOP’s next bill will be women and girls no longer can wear jeans and can only wear floor length dresses. Florida...the state that wants to go back and remove women’s rights. Prove me wrong...

I would love to say “only in Florida” but this feels like the beginning of a mental pandemic that’s just fucking starting and we’re all just fucked. 

Generally speaking, the DC movies have been weak in comparison to the Marvel ones but Shazam was very entertaining and I look forward to seeing the sequel.

The troll account

If white people saw a white man sitting in the back of a vehicle driven by two older white women they might have questioned his manhood for not being behind the wheel but they would not have flagged down a cop. 

Recall the tipster who got John Crawford III murdered by cops for holding a toy rifle that was sold in the store, claiming he had loaded bullets into that toy and was aiming at people. Then he was all “Ooops, my bad.”

FYI: The dudebra (account: dudebra-parody-account) imposter account posting here in this thread is NOT the long-established account user known in the Giz family.