
You don’t actually care about “the Asian community,” though, so much as you care about trucking out the same anti-black canards.

Was it though? The debate about videogame violence goes back as far as 1976's Death Race and plenty of high profile instances since, like the original top down GTA (not exactly a gratuitously detailed experience), Mortal Kombat, COD:MW2 etc. It’s a fine topic of discussion but ultimately I dislike the idea of

FYI: The Dr Emilio Lizardo (account: paging-doctor-parody) imposter account posting here in this thread is NOT the long-established account user known in the Giz family.

The imposter has several accounts being used to harass Kinja users, by posting sexist, racist and other vileness primarily here and on Jezebel,

Since his arrest, women who supposedly know Tate have come forward, calling for his release and denying that he ever abused them.

I watched deepfake porn of you, now, how can I help you get over it?

I feel like maybe with 2 beers in me, I’d pre-order for 60. I don’t want to encourage the new $70 price point game makers are trying to the “new normal”.

People need to be ashamed of themselves, especially the grown ups standing there doing nothing. They could have at least called a cop.

This image is what’s wrong with humanity... Look at how many people are following around this fucked up situation and just filming with their phones. There are even some Black and White people in the mix too (not just Hispanic), so the whole broad labeling and racial slur thing is really weird.

It is important to note because not all minorities have our back, and that hate and racism isn’t limited to white people.

WTF Gwyneth? All that work and she looks tired and worn out, all the time.

Does GOOPy know she just described disordered eating?

I realize that discussing this with a writer who was a child when Spring Breakers was released and who wasn’t even born when Kids was is maybe not productive, but as someone who was an adult when both movies were released there really was a difference in reception. People were genuinely shocked by Kids and thought it

Did AVClub just publish an interesting retrospective essay that isn’t clickbait about some topic-of-the-day?? Does The Herb know you snuck this through?

Nothing says “wellness” like being hooked up to an IV instead of, you know, eating FOOD with nutrients.

There is absolutely no reason why the two are mutually exclusive. It’s like saying we can’t regulate restaurants because there are starving children out there.

Isn’t the issue that it dramatically affected the ability for sex workers (predominantly working class, queer women and femmes) to make a living AND hasn't shown to be effective at protecting kids from exploitation? Sure, pornographers can't use Pornhub as a hub anymore but don't act like there aren't 1000s of porn

You’d have to put the fetus in a hoodie. Otherwise the threat isn’t credible.

Yes, but you’d have to shoot it and you’d only get off without any trouble if it’s a male, you’re white, and the father is black.

They clearly aren’t thinking long term. (Of course they aren’t. This is performative, power bullshit, not about “lives.”) This will basically make fetal personhood a thing, which I don’t think they actually want. Sure, there are a lot of ways in which it can be used to further subjugate women, but there are other

If a person in these states threatens me with bodily harm (say, impalement, or maybe injection of a potentially harmful substance), am I justified using deadly force to defend myself? *Checks that Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Kentucky all indeed have effective Stand-Your-Ground laws.*