
Username checks out.

they’ve always said, “That’s not our business. That’s not for us to tell you how to live your life or what opinions to have.” 

 Calm down, plague rat.

Get vaccinated FFS

Hey now! Kevin McHale wouldn’t have played a kid in a wheelchair on Glee if he knew “what we know know”. This is a joke because we know everything we knew then now and I’m making the comparison to what you just said.

I’m not insulting you with this snark I’m insulting Evangeline Lily* Even two years ago any sane person

“We have to go back, Kate! To school, I mean.”

This gave me a laugh but I’m disappointed that you didn’t manage to work in Tucker sunbathing his crotch in order to increase his masculinity. Come on, snide...be best.

Again with this First Amendment shit. Yes, you have freedom of speech but not freedom from consequences of that speech.

You should check out Gita’s article that dropped on Polygon today too, they played through the whole thing and its a good companion piece to this article imo

Gamers: Games are art!

Clearly hardly anyone actually read this. Thoughtful analysis all around, which is especially important from someone who has a very personal stake in this issue.

Painting trans people, who are overwhelmingly the most likely to be sexually assualted, as dangerous perverts is disgustingly bigoted and empirically wrong.

I’m a certified personal trainer with years of experience training clients and every time I see a TA ad hit my Facebook feed I want to scream. She’s awful. I’m not remotely surprised she won’t let the instructors actually walk around the room and check to make sure participants aren’t throwing their backs out with her

Killer Klowns was more a showcase for the makeup and visual effects, though it’s better than those kinds of films usually are. 

Wait those aren’t supposed to be masks in-story?

Sounds like Killer Klowns from Outer Space, where they made a whole movie. just to justify a joke title.

Or the classic description of the Wizard of Oz: “Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again”.

There’s this stoner guy who loses his rug; so he hangs out with his asshole friends at a bowling alley.