? Did you not read the part that indicates he’s using electronic devices to communicate with potential witnesses, and they don’t want him trying to access crypto assets either?
? Did you not read the part that indicates he’s using electronic devices to communicate with potential witnesses, and they don’t want him trying to access crypto assets either?
in what universe is restricting access to LOL not a reward?
Phone sex operator is a good analogy. Maybe the interviewer would have understood that.
It would have been different if she had been underaged and enslaved by a republican. The usa welcomes those....
All Your Base... *sigh* Man, I miss the old net. The humor was so nebulous and non... corporate. Now everything is just “I ATE 20 LBS OF CHILI AND THIS HAPPENED!” headed by 5 minutes of “sponsored content”. I never would have guessed back then that the net would become so... samey. Also there were fewer death threats!
Not if the reactionaries have their way
I live here and do sex work, am I allowed to be here?
The thing is, you don’t even have to tell them. The US especially has literal databases filled with names, addresses, facial scans and other data and stop sex workers of all kinds at the border, denying them entry on grounds of “moral terptitude”. The UK has started doing the same.
It’s not new. Sex workers have…
Good to note, as most people probably never even seen a gameplay of it, is that Zero Wing is a horizontal scrolling shmup like R-Type. Never played it myself though.
Also, of course, the voices in the video are not part of it, they are part of the meme... here’s how the original really goes:
This is literally no different than stripping (except that you’re never in the same room) which is, of course, legal in the US. Or being a phone sex operator. Would they be denied a visa? Fuck our puritanical nonsense.
Pearl clutching violence lovers, can’t get more American than that. Dude nearly dies getting tackled during a football game? Unfortunate but part of the game. Janet Jackson accidentally flashes a titty? Unbridled outrage.
Considering the direction the US seems to want to go, good luck getting all that legislation changed!
why would you tell them that...just say i work in vr games...simple done...Its like if you go to a doctor and they ask what your pain level is...if you say 10...they will never give you any pain medication and they will watch you for signs of drug withdrawal..meanwhile hours or days later you will still be in terrible…
Yeah, I would have just lied. I know she shouldn’t have to but it is what it is.
Considering the direction the US seems to want to go, good luck getting all that legislation changed! I assume the laws that are in place make zero differentiation between “sex worker” and “prostitute”, hence the outcome.
First of all, don’t say “Transgenders”
Literally funding a war of aggression in Ukraine is a little bit more than just ‘problematic’ I would say.
Smooth Brain takes... Imagine being a Russian IN RUSSIA and then denouncing the war when they literally imprison you for that (or do much worse things). People can’t read between the lines these days, everything is black and white and there is no room for grey.
How exactly does this game get “a pass” when there was enough controversy that the composer donated his entire salary to charity?
Is your argument that unless you can talk about all problematic things you can’t talk about one problematic thing without it seeming odd that you’re not talking about all the other problematic things?