Schumer is 72, Grassley should also have retired years ago, McConnell is 80 and suffering health issues, Durbin is 78, and Byrd and Thurmond should have retired (or been retired) a decade or more before they actually did.
Schumer is 72, Grassley should also have retired years ago, McConnell is 80 and suffering health issues, Durbin is 78, and Byrd and Thurmond should have retired (or been retired) a decade or more before they actually did.
For all that I’m supposed to fear trans people, and am supposed to be annoyed by them, and am supposed to instantaneously revile someone with blue hair, I’ve not had an interaction with a single trans person that has engendered any of those feelings. ::shrug::
Some people get into the limelight and it just RUINS them. They look out at a world that is suddenly interested in everything they have to say and they desperately try to make people happy, just giving more and more opinions until oops, an atomically bad take. And then the narcissism kicks in: I’m a famous person,…
She just came out with the Potter books at the right moment. They are hugely unoriginal and derivative, but struck the right chord with the age group she wrote for.
Her...unfortunate remarks about trans people have made her many enemies but, even more unfortunate, she’s become the hero of rabid extremists and I have…
“They misinterpreted me when I repeatedly promoted organisations that call the very existence of trans women a form of rape, and accused people who simply said ‘Don’t listen to me, I’m just a celebrity’ of being rape apologists with Prophet complexes, and accused people who explicitly said ‘I still own my HP stuff,…
One thing some people have said about her that I disagree with is the idea that the things she’s said and done in recent years means she was never a good person. It seems to me that until a few years ago she was arguably one of the most admired celebrities, and I think deservedly so. The drop in her reputation wasn’t…
We can agree that it’s sexist for Feinstein for be targeted in a way that men previously have not been, and also not think that means that we should simply allow this to continue in this case because it’s a woman.
When you’re so old your daughter has already retired over a decade ago... it’s a sign you might need to take a break.
My grandma did not have her drivers license renewed when she was in her late 80's due to the DMV’s decision in regards to public safety. She was still mentally very sharp but just didn’t meet the physical needs.
Time to put Kristi on Mount Rushmore. Not her face; I’m saying, let’s literally stick her up there and let her find her own way down. In January.
Logic, pure and unadulterated. Adolescents are dying to learn about sex, and they’ll learn about it from whatever source they can access and take it as gospel; so it’s always been. This is my point; if we wait for a ton of studies to be done on this, it will be too late; we’ll have an entire generation of guys who…
I’ve never heard a man be told to go back to the kitchen or make them a sandwich
Bigotry is born from mediocrity. These people see all the stairs they have to climb and reason that keeping others from climbing at all will make their mediocre steps appear more grandiose since there are less above them.
Just gotta laugh at these pathetic incels that had their mommies make so many sandwiches that they think it’s such a difficult task that it’s an insult to tell someone to make a sandwich.
The Discourse around Abby was *so* fuckin’ weird, and a small section of TLOU community has literally never been able to recover their fractured psyche after Part 2 took away Joel Who Was Actually A Shitty Person But They Have No Media Literacy And So They Made Him Their Video Game Dad.
if you wanna be a capital g Gamer, you gotta max out your pedantry stat and get on your soapbox.
I think your first sentence is apt, but I’d go further and say that hate is some people’s default speed.
Gamers hated Part2 because they were put into a sphere that they normally don’t operate in while playing games: self-reflection.
Games have showcased vulnerability before, but they’ve always had a heavy dose of bravado to help it go down. TLOU2 made players go through the very same lesson that Ellie did, without any…
they committed a hate crime...