Zero chance Trump knows that word - as the article points out, that was another user’s post which he merely retweeted (sorry, ReTruthed lol) with the comment “No way?”
Zero chance Trump knows that word - as the article points out, that was another user’s post which he merely retweeted (sorry, ReTruthed lol) with the comment “No way?”
First, these institutions must move beyond their little boilerplate statements and lame non-apologies. We are not fooled by them. Second, they need to forego their butt covering internal “investigations” and go straight to the matter at hand - that these students are comfortable showing their racist butts at school &…
No sort of defamation or slander is needed to make Samantha Markle and her father look bad - they do a fantastic job of portraying themselves as massive assholes all on their own.
You’re mad they’re not covering 2 recently Kickstarted JRPGs from relative nobodies? You’ve lost the plot, bud.
Admittedly the last two times Advance Wars was set to launch we had actual global crisis in 9/11 and the war in Ukraine.
“I didn’t expect that [Santos would] be standing there [in an aisle seat] trying to shake hands with every senator and the president of the United States...If he had any shame at all, he wouldn’t be there,” Romney said.”
MTG is why you don’t eat roadkill or marry your cousin
I miss the days when they just wrote a letter to Congress...
It’s as if the GOP isn’t really interested in actually legislating.
My Mom says she looks like “The Flying Nun”.
Not to mention telling your employer something like “heyyyy, so that resume I gave you? I made it all up. But, I’m here, so you gotta keep paying me now!”
Imagine being such a dumbass that Lauren Boebert can score a decent burn on that point it’s about time to lie down and let the man shovel dirt on top of you.
So weird that a job exists where you can go to work when you feel like it, never do your job, insult your colleagues, pray that the boss dies, say racist/sexist stuff, etc.
How the fuck did someone this fucking dumb get so far? Its horrifying, it means all the people who supported her and voted for her are EVEN DUMBER. And i cant believe Boeberts on the right side of something, even if its for petty reasons.
One of the the many, many things I loathe about these ghouls is the way they are always so damn lame with their attempts at “jokes.” You just know MTG think she’s making the sickest burn with this balloon when in reality she just looks like the dumb loser she has always been.
The fact that Marge’s stunt is stupid and opaque is kinda the point. The base she’s pandering to doesn’t deal well with subtlety, but they’ll be able to make the connection and think “oh, she got them libs good” ... while we’re all thinking “what a buffoon”
Leave it to the biggest clown in Congress to carry around a fucking balloon. I would think she was being meta but that requires some self awareness.
Wow. She typed out nine lines of lyrics of 99 Red Balloons and still apparently didn’t understand what the song was about...or (I’m guessing) that the original song was in German. Reading comprehension: the new political dividing line.