
My kids’ school is dealing with something like this right now, and the response that we’ve seen from them is horrifyingly bad. There was a kid in 4th grade who apparently has been bullying a disabled girl in his class for a while, and two weeks ago while on the bus gave her a bullet and said he was going to shoot her.

However, there are only four Black Republicans in the House which is a record for Republicans within the 20th and 21st centuries.

“He would skip important meetings, cancel last minute or arrive drunk, and leave writers waiting until the last second to file phoned-in voice performances.” “openly discussed threesomes and was involved in at least one instance of alleged sexual harassment”

No better reason to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights, ranchers. It’s their property and they deserve to have a sense of peace and safety.

Low key look better than the other ones but I had a very hard time telling how they were Naruto related off glance.

“Believe all women… unless they accuse me.”

I agree. I was never a Chappelle fan, but I think a lot more people liked him when he was doing what good comedy does best: punching up. He’s been punching down a lot for quite a while now, and clearly it’s not working as well for him.

So on the one hand, there’s high rates of unreported sexual assault and rape. And then there’s the “false accusations” which make up about 2% of all reported assaults. And instead of protecting men and women from being assaulted or raped, Tate has apparently decided to go all in on protecting men from false

Eyebrows should not have trends. 

Dave Chappelle won Best Comedy Album for his special, The Closer, an hour of anti-trans jokes brandishing his bizarre fixation on trans women’s genitals.

Boomhauer: “Man, shegotsumthin’Idunnowhutg’nonwit’er....dangEYEBROWS,man,theygoneItellyouwhut.”

This poor woman does not deserve this attention.

Anyone who somehow expects Madonna not to do the weirdest and often least attractive thing didn’t live through the boob-cones of Vogue or her wretched cowgirl phase for Music. She has never given a shit about how she looks, only about iconoclasty. That said, for people who are trying to look their “best” (whatever

That lead photo looks like she uses the same plastic surgeon as Ida Lowry in Brazil.

There really is very little to say at this point. This guy is such a pathetic piece of shit that it would really be more surprising if he shut the fuck up for once. The real problem is all the people who are still happy to buy/listen online to his music and thus pay him money, which then elevates him to awards like

Now playing

I don’t want to think about Doomfist punching Tracer in the crotch. She’s still recovering from this own.

How many second chances and opportunities to grow and mature are we supposed to give this dude?

With a track record of voter suppression; denying abortion rights; demonizing people on public assistance; starting a war on drugs while taking bribes from Big Pharma and spreading opioids; anti-LGBTQ enforecement; anti-CRT; refusing to enact health care for all, refusing to ban guns, converting park land into oil

Periodic reminder that these people never went away after the 80's, they just lost their previous media/congressional foothold until That Guy came back, and brought Qanon along with him. Now they’ve got a bunch of their own elected, and we get to deal with people who speak in tongues and thrash around on the floor

I assume that everyone who complained about Episode 3 expanding on a backstory (although we all know, in many cases, it’s because they’re too insecure, sheltered, and/or juvenile to handle a little light kissing and touching between two men) are also similarly complaining about Episode 4 expanding on a backstory?