Going out on a limb here..and don’t really like judging books by their covers, but looking at that dude makes me wonder if his entire police career has been a favor for someone higher up the food chain.
Going out on a limb here..and don’t really like judging books by their covers, but looking at that dude makes me wonder if his entire police career has been a favor for someone higher up the food chain.
That’s more than likely true. A huge chunk of popular streamers are either really boring or toxic as hell. And sometimes I wonder how they are still popular.
How can we have discussions about domestic labor that don’t factor in men?
There’s not a shadow of a doubt in my mind that, even if Forspoken had turned out to be a really solid game all the way through, it’d have been completely brigaded by the GamerGate crowd literally just because black woman.
I mean, if we’re invoking the divine and miraculous, I’d like if one morning Alito and Thomas were to wake up and find themselves pregnant.
I really like Forspoken. But it’s a case where the beginning of the game is just markedly worse than the mid and especially the end and you really do need to stick with it.
The beginning of the game is where the story is least interesting, the main character is most dislikable, you have limited combat options and they c…
Damn, it’s good to be European-American. You get taken in alive, Burger King after a mass shooting, and paid to be convicted.
Tone deafeness? In the GOP? IMPOSSIBLE!
They think they’ve been playing defense this whole time? Wow.
Why would anyone pay one second of attention to this idiot?
Too late, I’m afraid.
If someone with ‘foot’ in their name doesn’t get it, I’m not going to bother wondering why I don’t get it either.
I guess I have officially graduated to “old and out of touch”.
After reading this whole post, I can only summarize it as “I get it, but I really don’t get it”.
Should but won’t. The RWNJ have no shame and will just use this as proof that it was staged and other bullshit.
Well first you have to stop showing it too.
Sailors in your mouth!
Wait - this is NOT an SNL skit?!
I’m fine with giving Yung Gravy life in prison for this. Or for any other reason. Preferably at Guantanamo.
White rappers, lol.