
All the time with this weaksauce shit.

I love how "I like to do my own research" has become such a convenient shorthand for me to instantly dismiss the person saying it as a complete fúcking moron.

It’s really terrible when people jump to disrespectul conclusions. Anyway, like I was saying, most western men are feminine and weak...

Even as a child, I thought the idea that “girls are scary because they have cooties” was weird and dumb. Never would have thought it would become a philosophy for grown-ass men.

Referring to women as “females” is like the free space on a MRA / incel bingo card. It’s fucking weird and gross, and a dead giveaway that they don’t see women even remotely as equals.

Always fun to use this twice in a day:

Yeah! Why would they carve her tweet into the wall when they could blast her singing it through the loudspeakers instead?

Yes, braids are allowed. But nothing that looks non white.

It’s perfectly emblematic of all things Conservative: Democracy is only when they win, it’s only censorship when it’s done to them, state’s rights but only those that they want to states to have, small government except for when they control it, no debt spending except for when they’re spending it, etc, etc, and so on

Man. People judging a programmer/dev for trying something new and putting in effort lol.

He has a twin who looks like a young Schwarzenegger.

I go back again and again to Susan Faludi’s Backlash, which is 30 years old but still has one of the best dissections of the anti-choice mindset I’ve ever read. She talked to a bunch of people on the clinic lines and one of them was a guy like this, whose girlfriend had an abortion without asking/telling him, and he

Grade-A Prime father material there! Can’t imagine why his ex-girlfriend opted for an abortion rather than a life tied to this winner. It’s a real mystery.

Yeah but doing something literally called unforgivable should have consequences that isn’t just a historical notation.

Sure.  Be evil, but don’t be trans I guess.

The hate is because it’s not a fun game, it was written badly, the trailers were amateur hour garbage, and because the price, not because the MC.

We’ve decided to give you a totally new take on vampire games! First off, being out in the sun does nothing to you besides giving you a good tan. Second, there’s no pesky vampire hunters responding to you feeding off people and murdering them. Third, you don’t have any vampiric weaknesses like to garlic or silver or

But could you speak to snakes?

Isn’t the point of role playing an evil character to watch the world burn and see how it reacts? What’s the point if it’s just another skill tree