
Yeah, in Florida, it’s literally a stone throw away from learning about all the horrible things done to the black population through past and modern history (Rosewood, Overtown, the Governor of Florida commits suicide after the Civil War).
As much as I do hope this and other lawsuits work, GOP govs like Desantis have a


It’s pure FUD. Flood the zone with bullshit, some of it will stick. They’re trying to get people thinking “hey wait, the Pill is dangerous?” so they’ll be more receptive to efforts to restrict it.

I’ve worked in public health on the state level, and here’s what the GOP doesn’t want you to know.

If birth control made me a lesbian, then I wouldn’t need birth control anymore. I used birth control because I liked a good dicking and I didn’t want to get pregnant.

They are coming after birth control, people. This has always been just under the surface, occasionally peeking out here and there. But Roe being repealed now has them all excited about finally shifting the Overton window on it.

Wait. If the pill makes the girlies gay, wouldn’t the same people that want to reduce abortions to zero be wholeheartedly in favour of people taking it? Because if all the girls are gay, then they aren’t likely to suffer an unplanned pregnancy (unless raped) ... something about having zero exposure to sperm or

All through my 20s I was below the poverty line. Every year I would walk into Planned Parenthood for my appointment terrified that this would be the year they would demand money, because I never had any and I wasn’t quite sure what the criteria were, and I was always in temp jobs that had no insurance. Every year,

It’s damn near libelous to accuse Republicans of not caring if people die, when they go to such lengths to make it absolutely clear they’re rooting for it.

Probably a Super Bowl gimmick. 

I am fairly certain that this a giant Super Bowl ad bit. And they are totally making fun of people like Tucker Carlson

I don’t know why people are acting like Tucker hasn’t found another outlet for his go-go boot fantasies.

They should come out with an S&M M&M.

M&M’s will not be satisfied until every last cartoon character is deeply unappealing and totally androgynous,” Carlson said on his show following the rebrand. “Until the moment when you wouldn’t want to have a drink with any one of them.

Are they going to say it’s inappropriate to stick your dick in a cup of pudding?” Well, there do seem to be issues regarding consent.

It seems like journalists couldn’t stop singing this show’s praises after the first episode and now everyone is grasping at straws trying to find flaws to write about. This can be a good adaptation and not have every aspect of the game. And really it shouldn’t. Let’s be honest, if it was incredibly accurate to the

when conservatives see anonymous sources, they predominantly think, “Oh, this source was made up by the reporter.”

Pretty much if you support abortion bans you are a malicious 💩 who just pretends to be concerned with life. Such bans are attacks on the personhood of women, on common sense, and basic notions of morality. Fetus worshipers do not give a flying crap about people, those born. The feigned concern for the “unborn” is simp

Tucker Carlson is a treasonous bigot and is imminently punchable. I don’t need M&Ms to tell me that.

I’m hoping this Super Bowl ad is just Maya eating a bowl of M&Ms and telling Tucker Carlson to suck a fat one.