
Why would we panic? This is great news. Their relationship was an existential nightmare for every nerdy dude who's been worried his partner will them for Captain America

Jimmy Olsen in BVS:DOJ is maybe the most Snyder-ian thing ever. "Instead of being Superman's best friend, OUR Jimmy Olsen is a CIA agent! Also, he's dead. Way extreme."

People point this out a lot. Wouldn't it suck to be able to hear every cry for help around the globe? Yes, it would… For a normal man. But this is Superman. Ultimately, what makes Superman the ultimate superhero is not his very big muscles, but his strength of will, endless compassion and infinite wisdom that allow

Honest question: why does anyone even want a movie adaptation of Sandman? It's basically perfectly formatted as a comic book. The best a movie adaptation could hope to be is like adequate. I'd much rather see adaptations of books that had a cool idea or plot that then failed to live up go their promise. That's why I'm


I was referring mainly to Boba Fett, but at least those guys didn't get dumped into a trash compactor by the comic relief.

She's actually worse than the bounty hunters in ESB because she also gets beaten and humiliated. It's like if Boba Fett only appeared in ROTJ

They Might Be Giants, Doctor Worm

I wish he hadn't told the showrunners how he plans to end it. I'd much rather have the plots diverge and have two canons to pick from.

I think about this song pretty often, specifically the line "It's not the secrets of the government that's keeping you dumb/No, it's the other way around." I always imagine it's being directed towards InfoWars.com-type people who are so obssessed with conspiracy theories and make so much noise that they keep people

A movie might not have the "best" performances or screenplay but the pieces it does have are all excellent in their own right and add up to something "better" than its competitors as a work of art/entertainment.

I know this is an old comment but: how does a film win Best Picture but not Director, Actor, Actress, or Screenplay? Conversely, how does a film win Best Director, Actor, and Screenplay, but not Picture?

Lol, she did not school him. He lectures her and she apologizes to him.

I hate Steve Trevor because every other superhero gets a love interest who stays the hell out of the way, but Wonder Woman always winds up sharing screentime with her Captain America knockoff. The fact that they cast Chris Pine just confirms that it's not really going to be her "own damn movie, finally." I guarantee

I wasn't saying it will be bad because of the picture. It will be bad because of its star, franchise, studio, and pre-production.

This movie is going to be bad.

Except they're not threatening to cut off the supply of water to the country unless they get 100 billion dollars, they're strong-arming an already wildly corrupt government into paying more. Also, I didn't say it wasn't dickish, I said it was laaaame. Imagine if instead of launching a nuclear missile, Pryce's evil

QoS has some decent action scenes, but they're chopped to complete shit and it has the lamest Bond villain to boot. The writer above makes fun of Jonathan Pryce, but he really leans into it and is a lot of fun (also true of the nuclear launch scene in the otherwise horrendous GI Joe 2). QoS's villain wants to raise

I have always enjoyed GoldenEye, but I watched all the Bond movies in order recently and it's even better after you sit through the ten turds that come before it.