
No love for Hawaiian? Shame.

Not a problem on my 2005 Silverado. Self-destructing rocker panels!

to which she countered, “Give me an airplane.”

Presumably there’s a diaper situation or something? Or can you litter-train a horse?

We’re living parallel lives! I’ve got the same boys, the same age, with the same forts, that are just as thrilled for this as I am for building it with them.

I lost it at “Horse Proximity”

My variant of this issue:

If you ever find yourself stuck in the midwest, Kwik Trip offers a similar experience and variety.

I did this on my profile because I’m a sad, strange completionist. My seven-year-old wanted the same thing for his profile, but there was no way I was going through all that again. I showed him the coin-grinding trick and helped him get the hang of it a few times, then left him to it. Over a week (he gets a 2-hour

I like to pull up to the pump, put on the pump lock, and then go into the minimart WHILE the gas is pumping.

Like Kessler? Try therapy.

Son of a bitch.

“But, daaaaadddddd!”

Now playing

That video is even better if you play this audio instead:

This guy looks like he’s wearing a rubber Tim Allen mask from 1991.

How can I help?

Just this morning I was talking with some friends on Slack about this exact thing. Splatoon got me to enjoy multiplayer in a way I wasn’t expecting.

How do you feel about captions that aren’t word-for-word accurate? It drives me nuts: