At this point, he could have thrown 100 USB sockets on a Tesla and called that his ‘portable power bank’
At this point, he could have thrown 100 USB sockets on a Tesla and called that his ‘portable power bank’
Mittens keep your hands warmer than gloves.
Mittens keep your hands warmer than gloves.
This week month on Jason Drives, follow along as Jason drives a Model A Changli to Moab!
I’ve had luck with, which is like the Airbnb of vehicles. When comparing options during a trip to Florida last fall, the cheapest econobox at a rental place was $450 for 4 days. We were able to hook up with an Audi convertible (much more fun in the Florida sun) for $275 through Turo.
To be the most efficient, my wife and I (just the two of us) need three cars.
Tell you what. Find a way to make a base pay of $75 an hour for drivers. Find out how fast people line up for training and fight for those jobs (and keep them).
Looked through the product description on Amazon. Funny, the word “lumen” is nowhere to be found. Outside of the “9200L” (which could very well be a product number used for deceptive purposes), it never describes how bright it is unless you consider “outstanding brightness” a valid unit of measurement.
Looked through the product description on Amazon. Funny, the word “lumen” is nowhere to be found. Outside of the…
It’ll add another 5-6 minutes to your order, and it is worth every second of time. I noticed that if run once through, the skin is passable. Second time through, crisp and snappy. They don’t sauce them until they come out of the oven.
Take it from an former Domino’s employee:
You don’t know Tom very well then.
Coming from a family with three younger brothers who basically had death matches to see who could lick the beaters, I say “go for it”. We all turned out ok.
I admit it, I’m an outlier.
Dammit. I gotta be quicker with these comments.
Redundancy. One was the primary and the other was the backup
in casewhen the first one failed.