
Too many people fight the wheel. I always tell them, “The car KNOWS what to do. It WANTS to correct the skid. It will steer where it needs to go. You just need to catch the wheel, and bring it back the other way to avoid snap oversteer (simplified statement). Work WITH the car. Don’t fight it.”

Its a private event (once you buy the ticket) so you agree to their terms and conditions. A term/condition of the ticket is you MAY be subject to data collection software. By using the ticket, you consent to the terms/conditions.

It’s all fun and games until a software glitch causes Judge Lexy to sentence a child to death, and the other children dutifully comply.

In my experience, the water thing is key. Travel generally leaves me dehydrated, and most of my strange travel-related symptoms are resolved by catching up on water.

Annoyed wife to me: “you have 10 minutes.”

Aim to masturbate for about 20-30 minutes every day

I already do this with my cat and she doesn’t learn for shit. She’s 7 and you’d think she’d pick it up by now. NO way this works on my future kids.

Old guy who works in the field here. I have repaired, patched, and rigged the tailgate release mechanisms of our 2 GM pickups multiple times in the last 2 years: this looks cool-whiz-bang, but a real freaking nightmare in actual use. Some uni-strut, all-thread, and a few boxes of fasteners rattling around back there

Growing up on a farm my first thought was “Man all those little hinge areas are going to get filled up with hay and dirt” Then again I guess that’s what the silverado is for.

This system is not going to work worth a damn in the snow.

It was laminate

I’m not sure why it’s such a big deal to host the Super Bowl indoors in a cold-weather city. Contrary to the bitching of most media members, it’s supposed to be a game, not a week-long all-expenses-paid vacation. Tens of millions of people live in cold-weather cities and get around just fine in January, so I don’t get

I will do this timidly, because I’m sure there will be raging hot takes. Here goes... Case Keenum is a good QB.

Especially the punter, who appeared to have broken several ribs in the first half but still stayed on the field at the end.

Crazy how expensive stuff is to get down there, I remember some of the mindblowing shipping numbers I would see in my days at Motorstate/Allstar.

My buddy Peter Britton is the Troyer big block car dealer down there, like 8 shipping containers a year FULL of cars and parts

These tracks down under are wild. That track is barely wide enough for karts or street stocks let alone sprints. When the track slicks over and the groove moves up like that? So hard to pass.

You go ahead and spend that 135,000 on that thing. I’d rather have one of these things.

It’s very important to point out that the semi’s announced did not have exterior side view mirrors. I believe side view mirrors are required by law pretty much everywhere in North America. Ok, no problem, just add some. Yes, except that side view mirrors are the biggest culprits when it comes to drag on a vehicle.

These base prices make them nearly twice as expensive as a comparable regular cab from the other OEMs (Tesla has no sleeper option), particularly for the 500 mile range variants. They would have to save the trucking companies ~$70-90k over 4 years just to pay for themselves. That’s including many of the things people

If tesla wants to really take a bite out of the market they need to convince the government that their auto pilot reduces driver fatigue significantly enough to increase the hours their drivers are legally allowed to drive. With electronic log books becoming mandatory this month, productivity is going to be dropping