
Correct, it’s happened on a localized level many times over the years, with no drastic increase in crashes I’ve ever heard of (last time I can remember it happening close to me as a fertilizer shortage in SD. They waved the restrictions so guys could truck fertilizer in from other states).  While it might sound like

Major props to what Andrew and his competitors do each weekend. The consistency of their runs is fascinating.

Saw some rumors about SHR talking to G0-Fas (#32) about an alliance to put Custer in a Cup car.

My mom thought that Hawaii was off the coast of Florida for a very long time, because that’s where the inset for Hawaii was on the maps in her elementary school...

Roadtrippers is good for picking out roadside attractions.

David Freiburger had a run in that car once.  Video below:

The only answer I have is that it’s probably easier to machine a spacer/plate than it is to manufacture a different size throttle body.  This also gives them the ability to changes the size of the plate/spacer on the fly during the weekend.  Pretty easy to get 40 new spacers machined to whatever tolerance you wish and

Manufacturers provide the nose and tail pieces for their cars.  Yes, the greenhouse is common between all cars, but there IS a distict difference between the three manufacturers. 

My favorite are the ones that want the cars “to be stock like the used to be.”  When?  On the beach in ‘48?  That’s about the last time they were “stock.” 

Trucks have consistently put on the best show in NASCAR over the last 10 years. Something about that amount of drag and horsepower just works.

That’s what they do with the plates/spacers currently.  Possibly the throttle bodies as well but I can’t confirm that. 

As they said the article, they have to manage speed to stay in the draft. If you run up on another car and are already 3 wide, you either have to lift or drag the brake to stay tucked in behind. With restrictor plates, if a driver lifted it would take him a half a lap to get his speed/momentum back. More throttle

I wish that instead of bashing motorsports we should celebrate them with great stories like these. Nothing is perfect, but almost every weekend we can go somewhere and enjoy an incredible motorsports experience. I think we should celebrate that.

I said an audible “holy shit” when he drove it in that deep and it stuck. He drove in 6 car lengths deeper than Truex.  Smart move by the #22 team. Stats show that there’s usually a caution with 20 or so to go, so they set their car up to run like a scalded dog for 20 laps. 

I think the winner take all thing came from Johnson being so good in the Chase he won 5 in a row and ran away with several of them. NASCAR has been reacting to the last few years and changing the format based on the previous years results. What we’re left with a one race sprint to determine a champion. It might work

Rick Allen messing that up in race really drove me nuts. He sometimes gets too excited for his own good. Accuracy should never trump excitement. 

Honestly I love the idea of a teardown rule like many local classes have to keep things honest and keep prices down. 

I’ve heard alot of this throughout the week.  NASCAR fans are mostly gearheads who appreciate the work that goes into the sport. People want to see, with photo and video evidence, what NASCAR found on the #4. Show the other teams what they did as well. Be more transparent with the whole process and it might make it

By week 3 someone will have what is in definition not a sucker car, but behaves much like one. Then what? They’re not technically breaking the rule but they’re achieving exactly what you’re trying to eliminate?

Now you have me curious... Post Qualifying that might be the case.  Then, if they did not make a qualifying run they it reverts to points.